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The social responsibility of corporations : a stakeholder approach

Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The main aim of this study is to develop, from an ethical perspective, a justification for
corporate social responsibility. The research methodology used is that of a critical study
of relevant literature.
The history of corporate social responsibility is discussed and definitions of key concepts
are analyzed. Attention is paid to the controversies surrounding corporate social
responsibility, and the views of critics as well as advocates of corporate social
responsibility are examined. From the literature study it is concluded that since
corporations are part of larger social systems, they are not only accountable to their
shareholders but their success and long-term survival depends on fulfilling their
responsibilities to a range of stakeholders. Stakeholders are defined as those groups or
individuals with whom an organization interacts or has a relationship of interdependence,
and who are affected by its actions, decisions, policies, practices or goals.
The study focuses on the stakeholder approach to corporate social responsibility and aims
to show how such an approach underpins the idea of corporate social responsibility. It is
argued that corporations have moral as well as social responsibilities to stakeholders who
are affected by their operations. Emphasis is placed on business ethics as providing the
framework for a set of principles or a code according to which a company should make
its business decisions and on which it should base its relationships with stakeholders. The
research indicates that companies that aim to operate ethically also benefit in terms of
profitability and social acceptance. With reference to several South African companies as
examples, the study focuses on corporate social responsibility towards key stakeholders
such as local communities, the environment, employees, and customers. In each case it is
investigated what the specific responsibility requires of the corporation, and what
practical measures can be used to meet the responsibility. It is argued that management's
task is to treat stakeholders as equal, balance their sometimes conflicting claims, and
promote good relationships among them Managers must consider the ethical and social
as well as the economic implications of their decisions. The concluding chapter looks more closely at issues that need to be taken into account as
far as corporate social responsibility in South Africa is concerned. As a result of the
legacy of white rule and apartheid, active steps need to be taken to address economic
imbalances between blacks and whites. Both the government and corporate structures
have a role to play in creating mechanisms to meet the economic needs of the black
community. It is recommended that the means through which this can be achieved are
processes such as affirmative action, transformation, black economic empowerment, and
poverty alleviation.
The study concludes that social involvement by companies is not a favour extended to
society or an optional "extra", but a business imperative and a moral obligation that is
fundamental to being a company with legitimacy. The social goals of a company should
be supportive of the goals of business and its social involvement strategy should be
aligned with the overall business strategy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie is om korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid vanuit 'n
etiese perspektief te regverdig. Die navorsingsmetodologie behels 'n kritiese ondersoek
van tersaaklike literatuur.
Die geskiedenis van korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid word bespreek en
definisies van sleutelkonsepte word ontleed. Aandag word geskenk aan die debatte
rondom korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid en die sienings van teenstanders sowel
as voorstanders van korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid word ondersoek. Uit die
literatuurstudie word afgelei dat aangesien korporasies deel van groter sosiale stelsels
uitmaak, hulle nie slegs rekenpligtig teenoor hul aandeelhouers is nie, maar dat hul
sukses en langtermyn-oorlewing afhang van die nakoming van hul verantwoordelikhede
teenoor verskeie belangegroepe. Belangegroepe word omskryf as daardie groepe of
individue met wie 'n organisasie in wisselwerking is of 'n interafhanklike verhouding
het, en wat deur sy handelinge, besluite, beleide, praktyke en doelwitte geraak word.
Die studie fokus op die belangegroep-benadering tot korporatiewe sosiale
verantwoordelikheid en poog om te toon hoe so 'n benadering die idee van korporatiewe
sosiale verantwoordelikheid ondersteun. Daar word aangevoer dat korporasies morele
sowel as sosiale verpligtinge het teenoor belangegroepe wat deur hul bedrywighede
geraak word. Klem word gelê op sake-etiek wat die raamwerk verskaf vir 'n stel
beginsels of 'n kode waarvolgens 'n maatskappy sy sakebesluite behoort te neem en
waarop hy sy verhoudings met belangegroepe moet baseer. Die navorsing toon dat
maatskappye wat etiese optrede nastreef: ook voordeel trek wat winsgewendheid en
sosiale aanvaarding betref Met verwysing na 'n aantal Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappye as
voorbeelde, fokus die studie op korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid teenoor
sleutelbelangegroepe soos plaaslike gemeenskappe, die omgewing, werknemers en
kliënte. In elke geval word gekyk na wat die spesifieke verantwoordelikheid van die
korporasie vereis, en watter praktiese stappe gedoen kan word om dit na te kom. Daar
word aangevoer dat dit die bestuur se taak is om belangegroepe as gelyk te behandel, hul soms strydige eise te balanseer en goeie verhoudings onder hulle te bevorder. Bestuurders
moet die etiese en sosiale sowel as die ekonomiese implikasies van hul besluite in
aanmerking neem
Die slothoofstuk kyk meer in besonderhede na kwessies wat in aanmerking geneem moet
word wat korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid in Suid-Afrika betref Weens die
nalatenskap van wit oorheersing en apartheid is aktiewe stappe nodig om die ekonomiese
wanbalanse tussen swart en wit mense aan te spreek. Beide die regering en korporatiewe
strukture het 'n rol te speel om meganismes te skep om aan die ekonomiese behoeftes van
die swart gemeenskap te voldoen. Daar word aanbeveel dat dit bereik kan word deur
prosesse soos regstellende aksie, transformasie, swart ekonomiese bemagtiging en
Die studie kom tot die slotsom dat sosiale betrokkenheid deur maatskappye nie 'n guns
aan die samelewing of 'n opsionele "ekstra" is nie, maar 'n sake-imperatief wat
grondliggend is tot die legitimiteit van 'n maatskappy. Die sosiale doelwitte van 'n
maatskappy behoort die sakedoelwitte te ondersteun en sy sosialebetrokkenheid-strategie
moet in ooreenstemming met die oorhoofse sakestrategie wees.
Date03 1900
CreatorsKhodoga, Ephraim Alfheli
ContributorsEsterhuyse, W. P., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Philosophy.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format60 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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