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Experiments on deep face recognition using partial faces

Yes / Face recognition is a very current subject of great interest in the area of visual computing. In the past, numerous face recognition and authentication approaches have been proposed, though the great majority of them use full frontal faces both for training machine learning algorithms and for measuring the recognition rates. In this paper, we discuss some novel experiments to test the performance of machine learning, especially the performance of deep learning, using partial faces as training and recognition cues. Thus, this study sharply differs from the common approaches of using the full face for recognition tasks. In particular, we study the rate of recognition subject to the various parts of the face such as the eyes, mouth, nose and the forehead. In this study, we use a convolutional neural network based architecture along with the pre-trained VGG-Face model to extract features for training. We then use two classifiers namely the cosine similarity and the linear support vector machine to test the recognition rates. We ran our experiments on the Brazilian FEI dataset consisting of 200 subjects. Our results show that the cheek of the face has the lowest recognition rate with 15% while the (top, bottom and right) half and the 3/4 of the face have near 100% recognition rates. / Supported in part by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017, under the project PDE-GIR with grant number 778035.
Date January 2018
CreatorsElmahmudi, Ali A.M., Ugail, Hassan
Source SetsBradford Scholars
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeConference paper, Accepted manuscript
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