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Evaluation of a Feedback Approach to Nitrogen and Pix Applications, 1998

A single field experiment was conducted in 1998 at Marana, AZ to evaluate a scheduled (based upon stage of growth) versus a feedback approach (based upon growth parameters and crop conditions) to nitrogen (N) and mepiquat chloride (PixTM) applications on upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). The parameters used in evaluating feedback applications for both N and Pix included fruit retention (FR) levels and height to node ratios (HNRs) with respect to established baselines for cotton grown in the desert Southwest. Scheduled and feedback Pix applications were made for a total of 1.5 and 2.5 pint Pix/acre, respectively, with the feedback treatments receiving a late season application at approximately 3100 heat units after planting (HUAP 86/550 F threshold). Scheduled Pix treatments received a single 1.5 pint Pix/acre application prior to peak bloom (approximately 2000 HUAP). Scheduled applications of fertilizer N totaled 205 lbs. N/acre from three applications. Feedback applications of N received a total of 100 lbs. N/acre from two applications. Treatments consisted of all combinations of feedback and scheduled applications of both N and Pix. The highest lint yields occurred in the treatment consisting of Pix feedback and N feedback (treatment two), however, there were no significant differences (P≥0.05) among any of the treatments with respect to yield.
Date January 1999
CreatorsNorton, E. J., Silvertooth, Jeffrey C., Norton, Eric R.
ContributorsSilvertooth, Jeff
PublisherCollege of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ)
Source SetsUniversity of Arizona
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typetext, Article

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