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1998 Demonstration Project of Arizona Irrigated Cotton Production

The Demonstration project was conducted on the Demonstration Farm at the Maricopa Agricultural Center. In this project all current guidelines and recommendations disseminated by the University of Arizona were integrated in a systems approach. The management decisions were made by the Extension Specialists in agronomy, entomology, irrigation management, weed sciences, and plant pathology following the University recommendations. On a 50.5 acre field 80% Bt and 20% non-Bt cotton was planted dry and watered up. Due to the cold spring and sand-blasting, only a stand of 30,900 plants/A could be established with 84% terminal damage. 72 acreinches of water were used with 41.3 acre-inches in postplant irrigations. Weed control could be achieved with one preplant application and three cultivations. Three sprays against Lygus and one spray against whiteflies were necessary after the thresholds were exceeded. A total of 4120 lb seedcotton per acre were harvested, with 32.7% lint turnout (2.81 bales/A) and 45.9% seed turnout (1891 lb/A). After harvesting a field budget was established. The variable costs per acre were $915, the total cost $1266/acre. In spite of the lack of replications this project validates the usefulness and compatibility of University recommendations and the potential for integration of all disciplinary guidelines in one system.
Date January 1999
CreatorsDittmar, Stefan H., Ellsworth, Peter C., Hartman, Philip MacD, Martin, Edward C., McCloskey, William B., Olsen, Mary W., Roth, Robert L., Silvertooth, Jeffrey C., Tronstad, Russell E.
ContributorsSilvertooth, Jeff
PublisherCollege of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ)
Source SetsUniversity of Arizona
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typetext, Article

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