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The Relationship between Author and Audience: Case Study of a Young-Adult Author and a Student Audience

How does author relate to audience? This overarching question guided a case study focused on author Rick Norman and his novel Fielders Choice. Specific questions were (1) What was, and is, this authors conception of his audience for the book? (2) How do members of the audiencespecifically five high school studentsrespond to the novel? (3) How do the audiences responses relate to the authors stated intentions? Data came from the following sources: interviews with the author, the student readers, and the editor of the book; students written responses to the book and the authors written reactions to those responses; an interactive dialogue between the author and the students; records and documents provided by the author; and reviews of the book. Data analysis employed Glaser and Strausss (1967) comparative method and Spradleys (1979) developmental research sequence.
Findings include the following: (1) This author saw his audience, which he portrayed as multi-faceted and dynamic, through the lens of self. He attributed to his audience his own characteristics when he originally planned and wrote the book and also when he talked about it ten years later. Self was at the center of his generic audience as well as his defined audience. (2) The audience of readers in this study varied in the extent to which they connected with the author. Most of them did, however, speculate about his intentions relative to the content as well as to text features. (3) Author intention and audience response did not always match. When mismatches were revealed in written and oral exchanges, subsequent dialogue between author and audience was directed to mutual understanding. The author wanted to learn what there was in his writing that led the readers to unintended meanings, and the readers wanted to learn why the author wrote as he did.
This study, focused on author-audience relationship, fits into a growing body of work examining connections between reading and writing. Its uniqueness lies in its dual focus on both author intention and audience response and in the opportunities provided for author and audience to meet to discuss intentions and responses.
Date28 March 2002
CreatorsPhares, Keitha Ilene
ContributorsEarl Cheek, Pam Monroe, Margaret Stewart, Margaret Parker, Nancy Nelson
Source SetsLouisiana State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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