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Curriculum development in horticulture within the South African qualifications authority framework

Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The curricula of the Technikon National Diplomas in Horticulture, Landscape
Technology and Parks (Open Space) and Recreation Management have been
intermittently revised since the original inception in 1972 of the NO in Horticulture. The
shortcomings in the process of curriculum revision, with special reference to
programmes in Horticulture, were identified. The institution of outcomes-based
education (aBE) and the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) followed the
promulgation of the South African Qualifications Authority Act (No. 58 of 1995). All
curricula are currently being written in terms of learning outcomes that qualifying
learners will be expected to demonstrate.
The primary aim of this research study has been based upon the proposition that a
scientifically validated situational analysis is an essential precursor to the design or
redesign of a curriculum for tertiary-level horticultural training. A situational analysis that
includes the sectors of Amenity horticulture, Arboriculture, Floriculture, Landscape,
Nursery production, Nursery retail and Turf was undertaken. The results of this analysis
were to be utilised in the development of a theoretical curriculum framework, which may
be used in the development of a revised curriculum.
The secondary aims of the study are complementary to the primary aim as the
situational analysis has led directly to the identification of the core and specific
skills/competencies within the seven sectors, the degree to which horticulturists are
seen to have prepared themselves for their careers, the attributes or qualities employers
expect of a qualified horticulturist and the values applicable to the horticulture
This research is regarded as exploratory as little documentation exists regarding the
competencies being applied by horticulturists within the different sectors. As it describes
the characteristics of horticulture education and training and tries to understand the
meaning and relevance of the data gathered, it may also be defined as descriptive. It is
also an applied research study as its focus is on the sector-specific curriculum
development needs in the horticulture industry. A triangulation approach to the study
was followed that utilised a quantitative as well as a qualitative approach. This served to
heighten the reliability and the validity of the research. In the qualitative approach, use
was made of both personal and focus group interviews, which enabled the researcher to
study the problem at greater depth. The mail survey, which used a self-administered
questionnaire, facilitated the collection of empirical data that was used to corroborate
and extend the generalisability of the qualitative findings to a national level and was the
quantitative approach followed.
While the situational analysis has led to an extensive amount of empirical data relative
to the revision of the curricula, the development of a theoretical curriculum framework is
seen as the logical conclusion of this analysis as it represents a synthesis of the most
important findings of the study. Its presentation to the industry as a concept curriculum
framework, upon which a revised curriculum for technikon horticulture training may be based, is recommended. The development of a framework structured in a format
compatible with the NQF, aims at meeting the curriculum needs of the different sectors
of the industry. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die kurrikula van die Technikons se Nasionale Diplomas in Tuinbou,
Landskaptegnologie en Parke- (Oopruimte) en Rekreasiebestuur is sedert die instelling
van die NO in Tuinbou in 1972, by tye verander. Die tekortkominge in die proses van
kurrikulumhersiening, met spesiale verwysing na programme in Tuinbou, is uitgewys.
Die instelling van uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys en die Nasionale Kwalifikasieraamwerk
(NKR) het op die proklamasie van die Suid Afrikaanse Kwalifikasie-Owerheid
Wetsontwerp (No. 58 van 1995) gevolg. Alle kurrikula word tans in leeruitkomstes wat
kwalifiserende leerders sal moet kan demonstreer, omskryf.
Hierdie navorsing berus primêr op die uitgangspunt dat 'n belangrike voorvereiste vir
die ontwerp of herontwerp van 'n tersiêre vlak-kurrikulum vir tuinbouopleiding op 'n
geldige, wetenskaplike situasie-analise gegrond moet wees. 'n Situasie-analise wat die
sektore van Baangras, Blommekweek, Boomteelt, Gemeenskapstuinbou,
Kwekerykleinhandel, Kwekeryproduksie en Landskap insluit, is onderneem. Die
resultate van hierdie situasie-analise sou vir die ontwikkeling van 'n teoretiese
kurrikulumraamwerk tydens kurrikulumhersiening benut kon word.
Die sekondêre doel van hierdie studie is aanvullend tot die primêre doel aangesien die
resultate van die situasie-analise tot die identifisering van die kern- en spesifieke
vaardighede/bevoegdhede binne die sewe sektore sou kon bydra. Die mate waartoe
tuinboukundiges hul met sukses vir hul loopbaan voorberei het, die eienskappe wat 'n
werkgewer van 'n gekwalifiseerde tuinboukundige sou kon verwag en die waardes wat
op die tuinbouprofessie van toepassing is, word ook hierdeur geraak.
Hierdie navorsing lsverkennend van aard aangesien daar min literatuur beskikbaar is
met betrekking tot die bevoegdhede wat deur tuinboukundiges in die verskillende
sektore toegepas word. Aangesien dit die eienskappe van tuinbouopvoeding en -
opleiding beskryf en 'n poging is om die betekenis en relevansie van die ingesamelde
data te verstaan, kan dit ook as beskrywend beskou word. Omdat die fokus op die
spesifieke kurrikulumontwikkelingsbehoeftes van die tuinboubedryf geplaas is, is dit ook
'n toegepaste studie. 'n Triangulasiebenadering tot die studie is gevolg waardeur van
beide 'n kwantitatiewe en 'n kwalitatiewe benadering gebruik gemaak is. Die
betroubaarheid en die geldigheid van die navorsing is hierdeur verhoog. Die
kwalitatiewe benadering het van persoonlike en fokusgroeponderhoude gebruik
gemaak, wat aan die navorser die geleentheid gebied het om 'n diepgaande ondersoek
te doen. Die kwantitatiewe benadering, waar van 'n posopname met 'n self- ingevulde
vraelys gebruik gemaak is, het die insameling van empiriese data moontlik gemaak.
Hierdie data kon gebruik word om die kwalitatiewe bevindinge tot by 'n nasionale vlak te
Die situasie-analise het 'n groot hoeveelheid empiriese data, wat op die hersiening van
die huidige kurrikula van toepassing is, opgelewer. Die ontwikkeling van 'n teoretiese
kurrikulumraamwerk word as die logiese gevolgtrekking van die analise beskou
aangesien dit die sintese van die belangrikste bevindinge verteenwoordig. Die aanbieding hiervan aan die bedryf as 'n konsepkurrikulumraamwerk waarop tuinbouopleiding
by technikons gebaseer kan word, word aanbeveel. Hierdie konsepraamwerk
is in 'n formaat wat met die NKR verenigbaar is, ontwikkel en is geskoei op die
realisering van die kurrikulumbehoeftes van die bedryf en sy afsonderlike sektore.
Date12 1900
CreatorsYoung, Michael Howard
ContributorsCarl, A. E., Coetzee, J. H., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Curriculum Studies.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format394 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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