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Empirical study of cultural dimensions and cybersecurity development

yes / This study seeks to investigate how the development of e-government services impacts on cybersecurity. The study uses the methods of correlation and multiple regression to analyse two sets of global data, the e-government development index of the 2015 United Nations e-government survey and the 2015 Inter-national Telecommunication Union global cybersecurity develop-ment index (GCI 2015). After analysing the various contextual factors affecting e-government development , the study found that, various composite measures of e-government development are significantly correlated with cybersecurity development. The therefore study contributes to the understanding of the relation-ship between e-government and cybersecurity development. The authors developed a model to highlight this relationship and have validated the model using empirical data. This is expected to provide guidance on specific dimensions of e-government services that will stimulate the development of cybersecurity. The study provided the basis for understanding the patterns in cybersecurity development and has implication for policy makers in developing trust and confidence for the adoption e-government services. / National Information Technology Development Agency, Nigeria.
Date05 1900
CreatorsOnumo, Aristotle, Cullen, Andrea J., Awan, Irfan U.
Source SetsBradford Scholars
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeConference paper, Accepted Manuscript
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