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Extension and analysis of hybrid ARQ schemes in the context of cooperative relaying

In the wireless channel, cooperative communications allow one or many relays to assist the communication between the source and the destination. The aim of this thesis is the development of tools for the analysis of cooperative systems, when HARQ techniques are employed to provide cross-layer error protection. The first chapter of the thesis gives background information on network coding in cooperative relay networks, and introduces the motivation for this work. The second chapter is devoted to the analysis of the energetic-fair performance evaluations of FEC, ARQ-STBC and HARQ schemes at the MAC and IP layers. New analytical framework is derived and applied to a point-to-point network scenario. This framework allows to make energetic fair comparisons between the schemes with and without retransmissions. We determine under which channel conditions the cross-layer error protection is energetically more efficient than the simple channel coding. In the third chapter of this thesis we study the cooperative deterministic protocols. The protocols that we consider differ based on the behaviour of the relay(s), source(s), and destination. We consider two major types of cooperative protocols: decode-and forward (DCF), and demodulate-and-forward (DMF). Each of these protocols in its turn is analysed with and without combining mechanisms at the destination. We derive the soft decoders at the destination side for each respective case, and compare the performances of these protocols at the MAC layer. The following quality of service metrics are evaluated: frame error rate, delay, efficiency, goodput. The analysis is done evaluating the steady-state, using finite state Markov chains and a combinatorial approach. The analysis, however, becomes very complex as the number of transmissions and/or nodes in the network increases. The fourth chapter introduces a class of probabilistic communication protocols, where the devices retransmit with a given probability. We prove the existence of an equivalent class of protocols, with the same performances as the deterministic class. Using proofs of concept it is shown that the probabilistic protocol class allows for tractable steady-state analysis, even for many nodes in the network. Based on this, we then derive the QoS metrics and evalute them also by simulations. The derived performance evaluation metrics are then optimized by constraining the frame error rate, and trying to find the most optimal transmissions number and code rates which maximize the goodput. It is furthermore shown, that the equivalent protocol has larger optimal region than the deterministic one.
Date10 June 2014
CreatorsVanyan, Anna
PublisherUniversité Paris Sud - Paris XI
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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