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Molecular analysis of GJB2 (connexin 26) and GJB6 (connexin 30) gene mutations in non-syndromic hereditary deafness in South Africa

Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The most common inherited sensory disorder that affects I in 1 000 children is severe hearing loss.
In developed countries, about a third of cases have a genetic origin, 80% of which are autosomal
recessive forms (DFNB). Before 1993 few genes causing hearing loss had been identified, but since
then a large number of genes related to this problem have been identified. Studies indicate that the
DFNBI locus, located at position 13q11-12, contributes to 20% of all childhood deafness and may
have a carrier rate as high as 2.8%. There are two genes linked to DFNB 1, GJB2 and GJB6, which
are the major genetic cause of non-syndromic autosomal recessive deafness. GJB2 and GJB6
encode the connexin proteins connexin 26 and 30 (Cx26 and Cx30), respectively.
The specific aim of this study was to determine the role of GJB2 and GJB6 in deafness within the
South African population, since there are no published results involving South African patients with
non-syndromic autosomal recessive deafness. This study therefore involved the identification of
mutations within the coding region of the GJB2 and GJB6 genes in the South African population
and the determination of their specific allele frequencies. Another aim of this study was to analyse
the effectiveness of three single-strand conformation polymorphic (SSCP) gel electrophoresis
systems in the detection of GJB2 mutations, for use in a standardised diagnostic program.
A total of 44 families were recruited and divided into either the familial or sporadic study group,
which consisted of 16 and 28 families, respectively. Control samples were also screened from 50
Caucasians and 50 Mixed Ancestry individuals collected from the general population. To achieve
the aims of this study, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification followed by automated DNA
sequencing of the coding regions of GJB2 and GJB6 was performed. The three SSCP systems that
were tested for their effectiveness in detecting mutations within the coding region of GJB2 included
mini polyacrylamide, SSCP-urea and two buffer gel electrophoresis systems.
In total, six previously reported mutations (35delG, 312de1l4, W24X, M34T, V37I and W44X), a
novel mutation (N62I), and four benign polymorphisms (V27I, A40A, R127H and V153I) were
detected in GJB2. In the GJB6 gene only the S199T polymorphism was observed. It was
determined that the most common mutations found within the Caucasian and Mixed Ancestry
populations of South Africa were 35delG and 312de1l4 of GJB2. An overall detection rate of
35.227% was achieved in non-syndromic autosomal recessive deafness amongst this patient cohort.
It was also observed that none of the SSCP gel electrophoresis systems were effective at detecting all of the GJB2 mutations. This could change if the systems were specifically optimised for the
cornmon mutations that were identified.
This study therefore, provides information that can be used in the formulation of a screenmg
program for non-syndromic autosomal recessive deafness specific to the South African population.
Further research should be conducted involving other genes, in addition other population groups of
South Africa to provide a more comprehensive genetic diagnostic and counselling tool. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die mees algemene oorerflike sensoriese steuring wat 1 in 1 000 kinders affekteer is ernstige
gehoorverlies. In ontwikkelde lande het omtrent een-derde van die gevalle 'n genetiese oorsprong,
waarvan 80% outosomaal resessiewe vorms is (DFNB). Tot en met 1993 is min gene wat
gehoorverlies veroorsaak geïdentifiseer, maar sedertdien is 'n groot aantal gene gelokaliseer en
verskeie is ook al gekloneer. Studies toon dat die DFNB 1 loci, wat in posisie 13q 11-12 gevind
word, 20% van doofheid in kinders veroorsaak, en dit het 'n draer frekwensie van so hoog as 2.8%.
Twee gene wat koppeling met DFNBI toon, GJB2 en GJB6, is die vernaamste genetiese oorsaak
van nie-sindromise autosomaal resessiewe doofheid. GJB2 en GJB6 koder vir die connexin proteïne
26 en 30 (Cx26 en Cx30), onderskeidelik.
Die spesifieke doel van hierdie studie is om die rol van GJR2 en GJB6 in doofheid binne die Suid-
Afrikaanse populasie te bepaal, aangesien daar tans nog geen gepubliseerde resultate omtrent Suid-
Afrikaanse pasiënte met nie-sindromiese outosomaal resessiewe doofheid is nie. Hierdie studie
handel dus oor die identifikasie van mutasies wat binne die koderende areas van die GJR2 en GJB6
gene voorkom in die Suid-Afrikaanse populasie, asook oor die bepaling van hulle spesifieke alleel
frekwensies. Verder het hierdie studie ten doelom die effektiwiteit van drie enkel-string
konformasie polimorfisme (SSCP) gel-elektroforese metodes in die opsporing van GJB2 mutasies
te analiseer met die oog op toekomstige gebruik in 'n gestandardiseerde diagnostiese program.
Altesaam 44 families is ingesamel en gekategoriseer in familiële of sporadiese studie-groepe met 16
en 28 families onderskeidelik. Kontrole monsters van 50 Kaukasiese en 50 Gemengde Herkoms
individule uit die algemene populasie is ook getoets. Om die doeleindes van die studie te bereik is
PKR amplifikasie en outomatiese DNS volgordebepaling van die koderende area van GJB2 en
GJR6 gedoen. Die drie SSCP sisteme wat getoets is vir hulle effektiwiteit in die identifisering van
mutasies in die koderende area van GJB2 sluit in mini poli-akrielamied, urea en twee-buffer gel
elektroforese sisteme.
In totaal is ses gerapporteerde mutasies (35delG, 312de114, W24X, M34T, V37I en W44X), 'n
nuwe mutasie (N62I), en vier onskadelike polimorfismes (V27I, A40A, R127H en V153I)
opgespoor in GJB2, maar in GJB6 is net die S199T polimorfisme waargeneem. Uit die resultate kon
afgelei word dat 35deiG en 312de114 van GJB2 die mees algemene mutasies binne die Kaukasiese
en Gemengde Herkoms bevolkings van Suid Afrika is. Die total ontdekking standaard van 35.227%· vir nie-sindromise autosomaal resessiewe doofheid tussen herdie patient kohort was bereik. Verder
is waargeneem dat geen van die SSCP gel elektroforese metodes effektief was om al die mutasies
van GJB2 op te spoor nie. Die situasie kan egter verander as die sisteme spesifiek geoptimiseer
word vir die algemene mutasies wat gevind is.
Hierdie studie verskaf dus inligting wat gebruik kan word in die verskaffing van 'n diagnostise
program vir nie-sindromise outosomaal resessiewe doofheid wat spesifiek is vir die Suid-
Afrikaanse populasie. Verdere navorsing wat ander gene en ander populasie groepe van Suid-Afrika
insluit, behoort egter uitgevoer te word om uiteindelik 'n meer uitgebreide genetiese diagnostiese en
raadgewing diens daar te stel.
Date03 1900
CreatorsWhitehead, Caragh (Caragh Bryony)
ContributorsWarnich, L., De Jong, G., Kotze, M. J., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Science. Dept. of Microbiology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format161 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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