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FieSta: An approach for Fine-Grained Scope Definition, Configuration and Derivation of Model-Driven Software Product Lines

We present an approach based on Model-Driven Development ideas to create Software Product Lines(SPLs). In Model-Driven SPL approaches, the derivation of a product starts from a domain application model. This model is transformed through several stages reusing model transformation rules until a product is obtained. Transformations rules are selected according to variants included in configurations created by product designers. Configurations include variants from variation points, which are relevant characteristics representing the variability of a product line. Our approach (1) provides mechanisms to improve the expression of variability of Model-Driven SPLs by allowing designers to create fine-grained configurations of products, and (2) integrates a product derivation process which uses decision models and Aspect-Oriented Programming facilitating the reuse, adaptation and composition of model transformation rules. We introduce constraint models which make it possible for product line architects to capture the scope of product lines using the concepts of constraint, cardinality property and structural dependency property. To configure products, we create domain models and binding models, which are sets of bindings between model elements and variants and satisfy the constraint models. We define a decision model as a set of aspects. An aspect maintains information of what and when transformations rules that generate commonalities of products must be intercepted (joinpoints) and what transformation rules (advices) that generate variable structures must be executed instead. Our strategy maintains uncoupled variants from model transformation rules. This solves problems related to modularization, coupling, flexibility and maintainability of transformations rules because they are completely separated from variants; thus, they can evolve independently.
Date28 October 2009
CreatorsArboleda, Hugo
PublisherUniversité de Nantes
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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