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Previous issue date: 2006-07-31 / The violence against children and adolescents has been considered an important
question of public health, in the different countries and socio-cultural contexts,
occupying place of prominence in the directed international politics to the Human Rights.
Objective: to characterize the violence against children and adolescents, how much to
the aspects related to the victims and aggressors.
Materials and Method: One is about a transversal study, with secondary data of the
registers of the denunciations of violence against children and adolescents, in the
Advice To tutor I and II of the city of Fair of Santana, in the period of 2003 and 2004.
The data had been collected through a form, consisting changeable partnerdemographic
related the child and vitimizados adolescents, to familiar and the
aggressive ones; characterization of the violence forms; e encaminhamentos in the Net
of Attendance. Analyses had been carried through descriptive, through the calculation of
the absolute and simple frequencies, as well as bivaried analysis, through the
association between et?ria band ((1 year; 2-5 years; 6-9 years; 10-13 years; 14-16
years; e 17-19 years complete) and sex of the adolescent child, with other 0 variable
related to the forms of violence and characterization of the aggressors.
Results: They had totalized 1293 registers of denunciations of violence against children
and adolescents, in the Advice To tutor I and II. The place of bigger occurrence of these
registers was the domicile with 1011 (78.1%) of the registers. The types of more
frequent viol?ncias had been the recklessness, the physical violence and the
psychological violence; more frequently in the 2-5 bands years, 6-9 years and 10-13
years, and important ratios in minors of 1 year. The sexual violence presented greater
prevalence between adolescents, much even so with registers in all the other bands of
age. The different forms of violence had been equivalents between the sexos. The data
of etnia and escolaridade of the victims had presented decreases ratio and registers,
compromising the analysis. The main source of denunciation was anonymous 398
(30.8%). The mother was the main aggressor, with 646 (47.7%) of the registers of
physical, psychological violence and familiar recklessness. The data related to the age
and state of conscience of the aggressor did not meet in the registers.
Final Considerations: The results of this research had pointed with respect to the
necessity of sensitization and formation of the professionals of the Net how much to the
register of important 0 variable, on to the ethnic aspects, among others, searching the
improvement in the quality of the registers in the Advice To tutor; as well as the
necessity of complementary research, with primary data and minute analyses, in view of
contributing with the actions of confrontation and spreading of it It dials Denunciation ;
important subsidy it to be able public and local institutions, in the elaboration of politics
directed to the social development, protection and prevention of the violence, as well as
in the qualification of the attendance of the cases for the Net. / A viol?ncia contra crian?as e adolescentes tem sido considerada uma importante
quest?o de sa?de p?blica, nos diferentes pa?ses e contextos s?cio-culturais, ocupando
lugar de destaque nas pol?ticas internacionais voltadas aos Direitos Humanos.
Objetivo: caracterizar a viol?ncia contra crian?as e adolescentes, quanto aos aspectos
relacionados ?s v?timas e agressores.
Materiais e M?todo: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, com dados secund?rios dos
registros das den?ncias de viol?ncia contra crian?as e adolescentes, nos Conselhos
Tutelares I e II do munic?pio de Feira de Santana, no per?odo de 2003 e 2004. Os dados
foram coletados atrav?s de um formul?rio, constando vari?veis s?cio-demogr?ficas
relacionadas ? crian?a e adolescentes vitimizados, aos familiares e agressores;
caracteriza??o das formas de viol?ncia; e encaminhamentos na Rede de Atendimento.
Foram realizadas an?lises descritiva, atrav?s do c?lculo das freq??ncias absolutas e
simples, assim como an?lise bivariada, atrav?s da associa??o entre faixa et?ria (≤ 1
ano; 2-5 anos; 6-9 anos; 10-13 anos; 14-16 anos; e 17-19 anos completo) e sexo da
crian?a/ adolescente, com outras vari?veis relacionadas ?s formas de viol?ncia e
caracteriza??o dos agressores.
Resultados: Totalizaram 1293 registros de den?ncias de viol?ncia contra crian?as e
adolescentes, nos Conselhos Tutelares I e II. O local de maior ocorr?ncia desses
registros foi o domic?lio com 1011 (78,1%) dos registros. Os tipos de viol?ncias mais
freq?entes foram a neglig?ncia, a viol?ncia f?sica e a viol?ncia psicol?gica; com maior
freq??ncia nas faixas de 2-5 anos, 6-9 anos e 10-13 anos, e importantes propor??es em
menores de 1 ano. A viol?ncia sexual apresentou maior preval?ncia entre adolescentes,
muito embora com registros em todas as outras faixas de idade. As diferentes formas
de viol?ncia foram equivalentes entre os sexos. Os dados de etnia e escolaridade das
v?timas apresentaram baixas propor??es e registros, comprometendo a an?lise. A
principal fonte de den?ncia foi an?nima 398 (30,8%). A m?e foi o principal agressor,
com 646 (47,7%) dos registros de viol?ncia f?sica, psicol?gica e neglig?ncia familiar. Os
dados relacionados ? idade e estado de consci?ncia do agressor n?o se encontravam
nos registros.
Considera??es Finais: Os resultados desta pesquisa apontaram para a necessidade
de sensibiliza??o e forma??o dos profissionais da Rede quanto ao registro de
importantes vari?veis, ligadas aos aspectos ?tnicos, entre outras, buscando o
aprimoramento na qualidade dos registros nos Conselhos Tutelares; assim como a
necessidade de pesquisas complementares, com dados prim?rios e an?lises
minuciosas, tendo em vista contribuir com as a??es de enfrentamento e divulga??o do
Disque Den?ncia ; importante subs?dio para o poder p?blico e institui??es locais, na
elabora??o de pol?ticas voltadas ao desenvolvimento social, prote??o e preven??o da
viol?ncia, assim como na qualifica??o do atendimento dos casos pela Red
Date31 July 2006
CreatorsBarbara, Josele de Farias Rodrigues Santa
ContributorsCosta, Maria da Concei??o Oliveira
PublisherUNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE FEIRA DE SANTANA, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Sa?de Coletiva, UEFS, BR, Sa?de coletiva
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UEFS, instname:Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, instacron:UEFS

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