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Ab initio calculation of the structural, electronic, and superconducting properties of nanotubes and nanowires

The structural, electronic, and superconducting properties of one dimensional materials are calculated from first principles, using the density functional theory. Nanotubes and nanowires are important building blocks in nanotechnology, in particular for nanoelectronics. In this manuscript, the growth of carbon nanotubes is studied through the interaction between carbon and the transition metal atoms used as growth catalysts. The accepted model for a new phase of nanotube-like molybdenum disulfide is critically examined using comparisons of energetic stability and types of chemical bonding in different candidate structures which have similar compositions. The epitaxial growth of diamond carbon on (100) iridium is exceptionally favorable. The differences between various substrates used experimentally are studied, and the specificity of Ir is shown. Finally, the characteristics of the electron-phonon interaction in aluminium nanowires are determined. The structural instabilities and the differences in the electron-phonon coupling are calculated for straight monoatomic wires, zigzag wires, and thicker straight wires. The constrained geometry of the wires generates a coupling which can be very strong or almost vanish, depending on the structural details, but which is concentrated in the longitudinal high-frequency phonons.
Date06 July 2005
CreatorsVerstraete, Matthieu
PublisherUniversite catholique de Louvain
Source SetsUCL
Detected LanguageEnglish
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