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Modelos de desenvolvimento e integra??o latino-americanos: da CEPAL ao Consenso de Washington

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Previous issue date: 2007-08-29 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / The twentie century had begun to the latin-american contries with huge perspectives when we talk about changies in the economic models so far, that divided the contries into two blocks, on one side the industrialized contries and on the other side the manufacturer contries of raw material. When World War II finished, a period in which marked the end of about 30 years of crises and international conflicts, for the first time in history, the latin-american contries had na actual oportunity to put and end to a current model of International Labour Division. With this him, the UNO General Assembly approved the creation of the Economical Commission for Latin-America (ECLA) in 1948. In spite of the initial scepticism, the ECLA became the most important center of the estudies, analyses and diagnostic of the latin-american contries economical situations. So, it started to support different kinds of government of the region, implementine economical policies that cold guarantee its development, based on industrialization. With favorable international situation, even facine structural problems, the majority of the latin-american contries started to show a relative improvement relating to their economical development levels, due to the incredsing exportations.However, the 70 s was marked by lots of crises in many different fields, like politics, social, economical and military. These problematic areds reached the developed contries so much that they opened possibilities for the victory of the named Conservative Forces . It allowed a very important change in the target of the economical policies so far. Then, the well-known developmentism model fell down, in which the State owned a very relevant role therefore, it was adopted the neoliberalism , that in general lines released the markes of the state tutorship. The neoliberalism model started to be spread as a possible alternative to the other contries of the woeld as na encouraning way to its economical develoment. In this context, in 1989, a convetion took place in Washington D.C., the United States of America capital, and it was know as The Washington Consensus . In this agreement participated the north american congress and executive, lot of experts in latin-american issues, besides members of multilateral organism for credit and financing whicas lie in that renowned city, aiming for the discussion relating to a series of masures with political and economical purposes with a very clear neliberal point of view that could be adopted by the latin-american contries as a way of speedine very bad results motivated principally by na excessive interference of the state straight to the economy. By means of a brief biography survey, I m seeking in this text characterize historical, institutional, political and economical bases which since the 50 s try to contribute wich a solutionto the problem of the latin-america economical development. I m seeking to analyse and understand the models of the economical development proposed by the ECLA and the so called Washington Consensus to the region, wich by their own genesis constitute into two antagonic projects, since the former considers the State participation as an essential condition and the latter on the contrary intends a kind of economical development which is led by market, without the state interference. We come to a conclusion that both models demostred themselues ineffective in face of a great diversity of political, economical and cultural characteristics of the region. / A disserta??o busca analisar os modelos de integra??o regional que foram adotados nos pa?ses do continente americano sob duas perspectivas, a desenvolvimentista e a neoliberal. No que se refere ao modelo de integra??o desenvolvimentista, este tem como marco a aprova??o pela Assembl?ia Geral das Na??es Unidas, em 1948, da cria??o da Comiss?o econ?mica para a Am?rica Latina (CEPAL).Em rela??o ao modelo de integra??o regional sob a perspectiva neoliberal, este teve como marco a confer?ncia realizada em 1989, em Washington, capital dos Estados Unidos da Am?rica, que ficou conhecida como Consenso de Washington . Por meio de um levantamento bibliogr?fico, a presente disserta??o caracterizar as bases hist?ricas, institucionais, pol?ticas e econ?micas que desde a d?cada de 50 procuram contribuir com a solu??o do problema do desenvolvimento econ?mico da Am?rica Latina. Assim, a disserta??o se prop?e a analisar e compreender os modelos de desenvolvimento econ?mico proposto pela CEPAL e pelo chamado Consenso de Washington para a regi?o, que por sua pr?pria g?nese constituem em dois projetos antag?nicos, uma vez que o primeiro considera a participa??o do Estado como condi??o indispens?vel e o segundo ao contr?rio, pretende um modelo de desenvolvimento econ?mico capitaneado pelo mercado, sem a interfer?ncia estatal. Para atender este objetivo, s?o feitos estudos de caso sobre os modelos de integra??o regional adotados ou em processo de negocia??o nas Am?ricas, sob a perspectiva desenvolvimentista, a Associa??o Latino-Americana de Livre Com?rcio (ALALC), o Mercado Comum Centro-Americano e o Grupo Andino e no caso da perspectiva neoliberal, o Mercado Comum do Sul (Mercosul), o North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) e o projeto de cria??o da ?rea de Livre Com?rcio para as Am?ricas (ALCA). A conclus?o da disserta??o ? de que ambos os modelos se mostraram ineficazes diante da diversidade de caracter?sticas pol?ticas, econ?micas e culturais da regi?o.
Date29 August 2007
CreatorsEsteves, Thiago de Jesus
ContributorsDelgado, Nelson Giordano
PublisherUniversidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Curso de P?s-Gradua??o em Desenvolvimento, Agricultura e Sociedade, UFRRJ, Brasil, Ci?ncias Sociais Aplicadas
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRRJ, instname:Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, instacron:UFRRJ

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