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Exploring critical citizenship and globalization discourse to conscientize industry expectations of design education at Universities of Technology

Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Design educators are expected to demonstrate a high level of confidence in the
industry for which they are preparing students. When I reflected upon my own
design industry and higher education experience while engaging with critical
citizenship and globalization discourse, my confidence in and perceived authority of
the design industry became challenged.
I came to the realization that it could be useful to view the demands from the
neoliberal design industry on design education through the lenses of critical
citizenship and globalization. The insights gained from such an investigation could
assist design educators involved in developing new design programmes to
conscientize the expectations set by the design industry. It is argued that the
conscientizing of expectations set by the design industry could be achieved by
focusing on conscientizing design graduates that may in turn influence the design
industry at large.
The main aim of the study is to create a conceptual framework that supports
theoretical concepts that could conscientize industry expectations of design
education. The main research question thus questioned how critical citizenship and
globalization discourse could be used to conscientize industry expectations of
design education at Universities of Technology (UoTs). The objectives of the study
are twofold: to identify, firstly, current industry expectations of design graduates from
a University of Technology in South Africa and, secondly, to identify theoretical
concepts in critical citizenship and globalization discourse that could be used to
conscientize industry expectations of design education at UoTs in South Africa.
Theoretical concepts in critical citizenship and globalization discourse were
identified through a literature review; the identified concepts were used to develop a
conceptual framework. The empirical section of the research design consisted of a
case study that included industry interviews, alumni surveys and my own experience
as the main sources of data. The theoretical concepts identified in the literature
review of critical citizenship and globalization discourse were used to structure an
inductive content analysis of empirical data collected to identify possible theoretical
concepts that can be used to conscientize industry expectations of design
The picture that emerges from this study creates a worrying image of a profession in
crisis. I identified the urgent need to instil compassion into design education so that
our alumni can intuitively act against situations where their dignity is under threat.
This can be done by means of inclusion of critical citizenship and globalization
discourse in curriculums of design programmes at UoTs.
The theoretical concepts in critical citizenship and globalization discourse that can
possibly be used to conscientize industry expectations of design education at UoTs
are identified as: transformation, diversity, racism, social disparity, visual culture,
civic identity, civic engagement, ethical relationships, shared participation, problemsolving,
critical thinking, and imagination skills. I also conclude that the debate
regarding the conscientizing of the design industry is of such importance that it
should not be limited to only critical citizenship and globalization discourse ‒ the
debate must go further and deeper. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar word van ontwerp-dosente verwag om 'n hoë vlak van vertroue te toon in die
industrie waarvoor hul hul studente oplei. Terwyl ek sou meedoen aan die diskoers
rondom kritiese burgerskap en globalisering, het ek besin oor my eie ervaringe
rakende die ontwerp-industrie en hoër opvoeding en sou uiteindelik my vertroue in
en vermeende inspraak sover dit die ontwerp-industrie aangaan, bevraagteken.
Daar is tot die besef gekom dat dit voordelig kan wees om die eise wat die
neoliberale ontwerp-industrie aan ontwerp-onderrig stel, te beskou vanuit die hoek
van kritiese burgerskap en globalisering. Die insigte verwerf deur middel van so 'n
ondersoek kan ontwerp-opvoedkundiges betrokke by die ontwikkeling van nuwe
ontwerp-programme van diens wees in hul poging om die verwagtinge gestel deur
die ontwerp-industrie sensitief te verskerp. Daar word aan die hand gedoen dat so 'n
sensibilisering betreffende die verwagtinge gestel deur die ontwerp-industrie
haalbaar is deur te fokus daarop om ontwerp-graduandi insgelyks te sensibiliseer en
wat op sy beurt die ontwerp-industrie breedvoerig sal raak.
Die hoofoogmerk van die studie is om 'n konsepsuele raamwerk daar te stel welke
teoretiese konsepte ondersteun wat 'n sensitiewe bewussyn kan kweek sover dit
industrie-verwagtinge rakende ontwerp-onderrig aangaan. As sodanig het die hoofnavorsingsprobleem
dus gevra na hoe die diskoers rondom kritiese burgerskap en
globalisering aangewend kan word om industrie-verwagtinge insake ontwerponderrig
by Universiteite vir Tegnologie (UvT's) te sensibiliseer. Die oogmerk van
hierdie studie is tweevoudig: om, eerstens, huidige industrie-verwagtinge rakende
ontwerp-graduandi van 'n UvT in Suid-Afrika te identifiseer en, tweedens, om
teoretiese konsepte rakende die diskoers rondom kritiese burgerskap en
globalisering te identifiseer wat aangewend kan word om industrie-verwagtinge
rakende ontwerp-onderrig by UvT's in Suid-Afrika sensitief te verskerp.
Teoretiese konsepte in die diskoers rondom kritiese burgerskap en globalisering is
geïdentifiseer deur middel van 'n literatuuroorsig; die geïdentifiseerde konsepte is
naamlik aangewend om 'n konsepsuele raamwerk te ontwikkel. Die empiriese
afdeling van die navorsingsontwerp het bestaan uit 'n gevallestudie wat onderhoude
in die industrie, opnames onder alumni asook my eie ervaringe rakende die
ontwerp-industrie as hoofbronne van data ingesluit het. Die teoretiese konsepte
geïdentifiseer as deel van die literatuuroorsig rakende die diskoers rondom kritiese
burgerskap en globalisering is aangewend om struktuur te verleen aan 'n induktiewe
inhoudsanalise van empiriese data versamel om moontlike teoretiese konsepte te
identifiseer wat aangewend kan word om industrie-verwagtinge rakende ontwerponderrig
te sensibiliseer.
Die beeld wat deur hierdie navorsing geskets is, skep 'n onrusbarende beeld van 'n
professie wat 'n krisis deurmaak. Ek het die dringende behoefte geïdentifiseer om
toegeneentheid en deernis by te bring in ontwerp-onderrig sodat ons alumni intuïtief
kan optree in gevalle waar hul menswaardigheid in die gedrang sou kom. Dit kan
bereik word deur die insluiting van kritiese burgerskaps- en globaliseringsdiskoerse
in die kurrikulums van ontwerp-programme by UvT's.
Die teoretiese konsepte in die diskoers rondom kritiese burgerskap en globalisering
wat moontlik aangewend kan word om industrie-verwagtinge rakende ontwerponderrig
by UvT's te sensibiliseer, is geïdentifiseer as: transformasie, diversiteit,
rasisme, sosiale ongelykheid, visuele kultuur, burgerlike identiteit, burgerlike verpligtinge, etiese verbintenisse, deelgenootskap, probleemoplossing, kritiese
denke asook vaardighede met betrekking tot die inspan van die verbeelding. Daar is
voorts tot die slotsom geraak dat die debat rondom die kweek van 'n sensitiewe
bewussyn in die ontwerp-industrie van sodanige belang is dat dit nie beperk behoort
te word tot alleen die diskoers rondom kritiese burgerskap en globalisering nie ‒ die
debat móét eenvoudig verder en meer indringend gevoer word.
Date03 1900
CreatorsBotes, Herman
ContributorsCostandius, Elmarie, Perold, K., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Visual Arts.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format117 pages : illustrations
RightsStellenbosch University

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