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Novel Microwave Fluid Sensor for Complex Dielectric Parameter Measurement of Ethanol-Water Solution

Yes / In this paper, a 2.45 GHz band microwave sensor design is introduced
to be utilized for the dielectric constant determination of ethanol-water solutions.
The introduced microwave sensor is composed of two symmetrically positioned, directly coupled inter-connected split-ring resonators with a circular ring-shaped detection area in the middle region, into which a small amount of ethanol-water solution is dropped. The fabricated prototype of the microwave sensor has a total component size of 12 mm x 30 mm on Rogers RO4003 substrate. The sensor measurement performance is numerically evaluated and experimentally validated in good agreement. The introduced microwave sensor has the structural design novelty of possessing the main detection region in a form of a circular hollow where a disposable 3D printed fluid cup can be accommodated for multiple uses. The introduced microwave sensor has technical feasibility to be used as an ingredient identification device for the chemical solutions to figure out complex dielectric parameters of ethanol-water specimens with small, low-cost, reusable, easy-to-fabricate features as well as the determination of volume percentage concentration of ethanol content.
Date15 May 2023
CreatorsPalandoken, M., Gocen, C., Khan, T., Zakaria, Z., Elfergani, I., Zemi, C., Rodriguez, J., Abd-Alhameed, Raed
Source SetsBradford Scholars
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeArticle, Accepted manuscript
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