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Time-Domain Fluorescence Diffuse Optical Tomography: Algorithms and Applications

Fluorescence diffuse optical tomography provides non-invasive, in vivo imaging of molecular targets in small animals. While standard fluorescence microscopy is limited to shallow depths and small fields of view, tomographic methods allows recovery of the distribution of fluorescent probes throughout the small animal body. In this thesis, we present novel reconstruction algorithms for the tomographic separation of optical parameters using time-domain (TD) measurements. These technique are validated using simulations and with experimental phantom and mouse imaging studies. We outline the contributions of each chapter of the thesis below.
First, we explore the TD fluorescence tomography reconstruction problem for single and multiple fluorophores with discrete lifetimes. We focus on late arriving photons and compare a direct inversion approach with a two-step, asymptotic approach operating on the same TD data. We show that for lifetime multiplexing, the two methods produce fundamentally different kinds of solutions. The direct inversion is computationally inefficient and results in poor separation but has overall higher resolution while the asymptotic approach provides better separation, relative quantitation of lifetime components and localization but has overall lower resolution. We verify these results with simulation and experimental phantoms.
Second, we introduce novel high resolution lifetime multiplexing algorithms which combine asymptotic methods for separation of fluorophores with the high resolving power of early photon tomography. We show the effectiveness of such methods to achieve high resolution reconstructions of multiple fluorophores in simulations with complex-shaped phantoms, a digital mouse atlas and also experimentally in fluorescent tube phantoms.
Third, we compare the performance of tomographic spectral and lifetime multiplexing. We show that both of these techniques involve a two-step procedure, consisting of a diffuse propagation step and a basis-function mixing step. However, in these two techniques, the order of the two steps is switched, which leads to a fundamental difference in imaging performance. As an illustration of this difference, we show that the relative concentrations of three colocalized fluorophores in a diffuse medium can accurately be retrieved with lifetime methods but cannot be retrieved with spectral methods.
Fourth, we address the long standing challenge in diffuse optical tomography (DOT) of cross-talk between absorption and scattering. We extend the ideas developed from lifetime multiplexing algorithms by using a constrained optimization approach for separation of absorption and scattering in DOT. Using custom designed phantoms, we demonstrate a novel technique allows better separation of absorption and scattering inclusions compared to existing algorithms for CW and TD diffuse optical tomography.
Finally, we show experimental validation of the lifetime multiplexing algorithms developed in this thesis using three experimental models. First, we show the reconstruction of overlapping complex shapes in a dish phantom. Second, we demonstrate the localization accuracy of lifetime based methods using fluorescent pellets embedded in a sacrificed mouse. Third, we show using planar imaging and tomography, the in vivo recovery of multiple anatomically targeted near-infrared fluorophores.
In summary, we have presented novel reconstruction algorithms and experimental methods that extend the capability of time-domain fluorescence diffuse optical tomography systems. The methods developed in this thesis should also have applicability for general multi-parameter image reconstruction problems. / Engineering and Applied Sciences
Date21 October 2014
CreatorsHou, Steven Shuyu
ContributorsBacskai, Brian, Kumar, Anand T.N.
PublisherHarvard University
Source SetsHarvard University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeThesis or Dissertation

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