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Information Theoretic Approach To Extractive Text Summarization

Automatic text summarization techniques, which can reduce a source text to a summary text by content generalization or selection have assumed signifi- cance in recent times due to the ever expanding information explosion created by the World Wide Web. Summaries generated by generalization of information are called abstracts and those generated by selection of portions of text (sentences, phrases etc.) are called extracts. Further, summaries could for each document separately or multiple documents could be summarized together to produce a single summary. The challenges in making machines generate extracts or abstracts are primarily due to the lack of understanding of human cognitive processes. Summary generated by humans seems to be influenced by their moral, emotional and ethical stance on the subject and their background knowledge of the content being summarized.These characteristics are hardly understood and difficult to model mathematically. Further automatic summarization is very much handicapped by limitations of existing computing resources and lack of good mathematical models of cognition. In view of these, the role of rigorous mathematical theory in summarization has been limited hitherto. The research reported in this thesis is a contribution towards bringing in the awesome power of well-established concepts information theory to the field of summarization.
Contributions of the Thesis
The specific focus of this thesis is on extractive summarization. Its domain spans multi-document summarization as well as single document summarization. In the whole thesis the word "summarization" and "summary", imply extract generation and sentence extracts respectively.
In this thesis, two new and novel summarizers referred to as ESCI (Extractive Summarization using Collocation Information) and De-ESCI (Dictionary enhanced ESCI) have been proposed. In addition, an automatic summary evaluation technique called DeFuSE (Dictionary enhanced Fuzzy Summary Evaluator) has also been introduced.The mathematical basis for the evolution of the scoring scheme proposed in this thesis and its relationship with other well-known summarization algorithms such as latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) is also derived.
The work detailed in this thesis is specific to the domain of extractive summarization of unstructured text without taking into account the data set characteristics such as the positional importance of sentences. This is to ensure that the summarizer works well for a broad class of documents, and to keep the proposed models as generic as possible.
Central to the proposed work is the concept of "Collocation Information of a word", its quantification and application to summarization. "Collocation Information" (CI) is the amount of information (Shannon’s measure) that a word and its collocations together contribute to the total information in the document(s) being summarized.The CI of a word has been computed using Shannon’s measure for information using a joint probability distribution. Further, a base value of CI called "Discrimination Threshold" (DT) has also been derived. To determine DT, sentences from a large collection of documents covering various topics including the topic covered by the document(s) being summarized were broken down into sequences of word collocations.The number of possible neighbors for a word within a specified collocation window was determined. This number has been called the "cardinality of the collocating set" and is represented as |ℵ (w)|. It is proved that if |ℵ (w)| determined from this large document collection for any word w is fixed, then the maximum value of the CI for a word w is proportional to |ℵ (w)|. This constrained maximum is the "Discrimination Threshold" and is used as the base value of CI. Experimental evidence detailed in this thesis shows that sentences containing words with CI greater than DT are most likely to be useful in an extract.
Words in every sentence of the document(s) being summarized have been assigned scores based on the difference between their current value of CI and their respective DT. Individual word scores have been summed to derive a score for every sentence. Sentences are ranked according to their scores and the first few sentences in the rank order have been selected as the extract summary. Redundant and semantically similar sentences have been excluded from the selection process using a simple similarity detection algorithm. This novel method for extraction has been called ESCI in this thesis.
In the second part of the thesis, the advantages of tagging words as nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs without the use of sense disambiguation has been explored. A hierarchical model for abstraction of knowledge has been proposed, and those cases where such a model can improve summarization accuracy have been explained. Knowledge abstraction has been achieved by converting collocations into their hypernymous versions.
In the second part of the thesis, the advantages of tagging words as nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs without the use of sense disambiguation has been explored. A hierarchical model for abstraction of knowledge has been proposed, and those cases where such a model can improve summarization accuracy have been explained. Knowledge abstraction has been achieved by converting collocations into their hypernymous versions. The number of levels of abstraction varies based on the sense tag given to each word in the collocation being abstracted. Once abstractions have been determined, Expectation- Maximization algorithm is used to determine the probability value of each collocation at every level of abstraction. A combination of abstracted collocations from various levels is then chosen and sentences are assigned scores based on collocation information of these abstractions.This summarization scheme has been referred to as De-ESCI (Dictionary enhanced ESCI).
It had been observed in many human summary data sets that the factual attribute of the human determines the choice of noun and verb pairs. Similarly, the emotional attribute of the human determines the choice of the number of noun and adjective pairs. In order to bring these attributes into the machine generated summaries, two variants of DeESCI have been proposed. The summarizer with the factual attribute has been called as De-ESCI-F, while the summarizer with the emotional attribute has been called De-ESCI-E in this thesis. Both create summaries having two parts. First part of the summary created by De-ESCI-F is obtained by scoring and selecting only those sentences where a fixed number of nouns and verbs occur.The second part of De-ESCI-F is obtained by ranking and selecting those sentences which do not qualify for the selection process in the first part. Assigning sentence scores and selecting sentences for the second part of the summary is exactly like in ESCI. Similarly, the first part of De-ESCI-E is generated by scoring and selecting only those sentences where fixed number of nouns and adjectives occur. The second part of the summary produced by De-ESCI-E is exactly like the second part in De-ESCI-F. As the model summary generated by human summarizers may or may not contain sentences with preference given to qualifiers (adjectives), the automatic summarizer does not know apriori whether to choose sentences with qualifiers over those without qualifiers. As there are two versions of the summary produced by De-ESCI-F and De-ESCIE, one of them should be closer to the human summarizer’s point of view (in terms of giving importance to qualifiers). This technique of choosing the best candidate summary has been referred to as De-ESCI-F/E.
Performance Metrics
The focus of this thesis is to propose new models and sentence ranking techniques aimed at improving the accuracy of the extract in terms of sentences selected, rather than on the readability of the summary. As a result, the order of sentences in the summary is not given importance during evaluation. Automatic evaluation metrics have been used and the performance of the automatic summarizer has been evaluated in terms of precision, recall and f-scores obtained by comparing its output with model human generated extract summaries. A novel summary evaluator called DeFuSE has been proposed in this thesis, and its scores are used along with the scores given by a standard evaluator called ROUGE. DeFuSE evaluates an extract in terms of precision, recall and f-score relying on
The use of WordNet hypernymy structure to identify semantically similar sentences in a document. It also uses fuzzy set theory to compute the extent to which a sentence from the machine generated extract belongs to the model summary. Performance of candidate summarizers has been discussed in terms of percentage improvement in fscore relative to the baselines. Average of ROUGE and DeFuSE f-score for every summary is computed, and the mean value of these scores is used to compare performance improvement.
For illustrative purposes, DUC 2002 and DUC 2003 multi-document data sets have been used. From these data sets only the 400 word summaries of DUC 2002 and track-4 (novelty track) summaries of DUC 2003 are useful for evaluation of sentence extracts and hence only these have been used. f-score has been chosen as a measure of performance. Standard baselines such as coverage, size and lead and also probabilistic baselines have been used to measure percentage improvement in f-score of candidate summarizers relative to these baselines. Further, summaries generated by MEAD using centroid and length as features for ranking (MEAD-CL), MEAD using positional, centroid and length as features for ranking (MEAD-CLP), Microsoft Word automatic summarizer (MS-Word) and Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) based summarizer were used to compare the performance of the proposed summarization schemes.

Date08 1900
CreatorsRavindra, G
ContributorsBalakrishnan, N
Source SetsIndia Institute of Science
Detected LanguageEnglish

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