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An exploration of factors and phenomena influencing parent and/or caregiver compliance with the immunisation schedule in the Witzenberg sub-district of the Western Cape

Thesis (MCur)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Parents and/or caregivers all over the world are expected to comply with existing
childhood immunisation programmes in order to prevent outbreaks of preventable
childhood diseases. The most important justification for this study was the 2010 measles
outbreak in the Western Cape province of South Africa. This outbreak correlated with the
study conclusions of Corrigall, Coetzee and Cameron (2008:41) as they found the
immunisation coverage in the Western Cape to be insufficient to prevent outbreaks of
preventable childhood diseases.
From the literature, it seemed that attitudes and factors that influence parent and/or
caregiver compliance with the routine childhood immunisation schedule in the Witzenberg
sub-district of the Western Cape persist. In doing this study, the researcher’s purpose was
to discover what those factors were. The aim was to determine, understand and describe
the attitudes and factors influencing parent and/or caregiver compliance with the routine
childhood immunisation schedule, and the nature thereof. The set objectives were to gain
knowledge of and insight into the factors influencing participants’ adherence with routine
childhood immunisation; and participants’ feelings, attitudes, and experiences surrounding
immunisation within the context of their health care environment.
A quantitative research approach, with a smaller qualitative component, was selected for
this study which had an exploratory descriptive design. The population targeted for data
collection included parents and/or caregivers of children aged 0 to 60 months in the
Witzenberg sub-district (N=8374), as well as in community health centres (CHCs) that
provided immunisation and/or other primary health care services in the mentioned subdistrict
(N=16). The non-probability convenience sampling of parents and/or caregivers
consisted of 376 participants (n=376), while 8 CHCs (n=8) were selected through
systematic sampling.
The measuring instrument used as the data collection technique for this study was a selfadministered
questionnaire. A pilot study was conducted to pre-test the questionnaire, and
its reliability and validity were further ensured by submitting it for review to research
experts in methodology and nursing. A combination of quantitative and qualitative methods
was used to analyse the study data. MS Excel was used to capture the quantitative data
after which it was analysed using descriptive statistics by means of STATISTICA version 9-software. Tesch’s approach to qualitative data analysis was used as a guideline with the
purpose of identifying and categorising the essential qualitative data and grouping it
together in one descriptive framework.
The main findings were that parents and/or caregivers involved in this study were positive
about immunisation and their experiences within the health service environment. They also
felt that health workers were playing an important role in their decision-making process.
However, their knowledge regarding the purpose of and contra-indications for
immunisation were insufficient, and most parents reported that their children experienced
side effects after immunisation.
Key recommendations on conclusion of the study include clear, accurate and specific
information to parents about the purpose of immunisation and its contra-indications and
side effects. Vaccinators and managers should be informed about the persistent problem
with mild vaccination side effects and refresher courses should be provided with regard to
infection control, administration techniques and the reporting of adverse effects. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar word van ouers en/of versorgers oor die wêreld verwag om aan bestaande kinderimmunisasieprogramme
te voldoen ter voorkoming van vaksien-voorkombare siektes. Die
belangrikste regverdiging vir die studie was die masel-uitbreking in die Wes-Kaapprovinsie
van Suid-Afrika in 2010. Die uitbraak het die studiebevindinge ondersteun van Corrigall,
Coetzee en Cameron (2008:41), wat bevind het dat immunisasiedekking in die Wes-Kaap
onvoldoende was om ʼn uitbreking van voorkombare kindersiektes te verhoed.
Volgens die literatuur het dit voorgekom asof die gesindhede en faktore wat ouers en/of
versorgers se houding jeens die roetine- kinder-immunisasieskedule in die Witzenberg
sub-distrik van die Wes-Kaap beïnvloed, voortduur. Die navorser het met hierdie studie ten
doel gehad om die faktore te ontdek, ten einde die gesindhede en faktore wat ‘n invloed
uitoefen te bepaal, te verstaan en te omskryf. Die doelwitte was om kennis in te win oor en
insig te verkry in die faktore wat ouers en/of versorgers se aanhanklikheid met routine
kinder immunisering beinbloed; en in ouers en/of versorgers se gevoelens, houdings en
ondervindings ten opsigte van immunisasie in hulle gesondheidsorg-omgewing.
‘n Kwantitatiewe navorsingsbenadering met ‘n kleiner kwalitatiewe komponent is
geselekteer vir die studie wat ‘n ondersoekend-beskrywende navorsingsontwerp gehad
het. Die populasie wat geteiken is vir data-insameling was ouers en/of versorgers van
kinders van 0 tot 60 maande in die Witzenberg sub-distrik (N=8374), asook
gemeenskapsgesondheidsentrums wat immunisasie en/of ander primêre
gesondheidsorgdienste in die genoemde sub-distrik aanbied (N=16). Die nie-waarskynlike
gerieflikheidsteekproef van ouers en/of versorgers het uit 376 deelnemers (n=376)
bestaan, terwyl 8 (n=8) gemeenskapsgesondheidsentrums deur middel van sistematiese
steekproefbepaling geselekteer is.
Die meetinstrument vir data-insameling in die studie was self-geadministreerde vraelyste.
‘n Loodsstudie is uitgevoer as vooraf-toetsing van die vraelys en die geldigheid en
betroubaarheid daarvan is verder verseker deur die vraelys aan navorsingskenners in
navorsingsmetodologie en verpleging te onderwerp. ‘n Kombinasie van kwantitatiewe en
kwalitatiewe metodes is gebruik vir die analisering van die studie-data. Die kwantitatiewe
data is op MS Excel ingevoer waarna beskrywende statistieke deur middel van Statistica
weergawe 9-sagteware gebruik is om dit te analiseer. Tesch se benadering tot kwalitatiewe data-analise is as riglyn gebruik met die doel om belangrike data te
identifiseer, te kategoriseer en in ‘n beskrywende raamwerk te groepeer.
In die studie is daar hoofsaaklik bevind dat ouers en/of versorgers positief is oor
immunisasie en hul ondervinding binne die gesondheidsorgomgewing, en dat
gesondheidswerkers ʼn belangrike rol in hul besluitnemingsproses speel. Hul kennis
aangaande die doel van en kontra-indikasies vir immunisasie was egter onvoldoende en
die meeste ouers en/of versorgers het gerapporteer dat hul kinders ná immunisasie
probleme met newe-effekte ondervind het.
Die hoofaanbevelings wat uit die studie voortgespruit het, was dat duidelike, akkurate en
spesifieke inligting aan ouers en/of versorgers verskaf moet word aangaande die doel van
immunisasie en die kontra-indikasies daarvoor. Immuniseerders en bestuurders moet ook
ingelig word oor die voortdurende voorkoms van newe-effekte sodat opknappingskursusse
oor infeksiebeheer, korrekte toedieningstegnieke en die rapportering van newe-effekte
aangebied kan word.
Date12 1900
CreatorsDyson, Elisia
ContributorsSmit, I., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Health Sciences. Dept. of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. Nursing Science.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format106 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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