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Exploring the disharmony between the temporary and permanent organising forms in a parastatal

The primary focus of this research is to explore the disharmony between the temporary and permanent organisation forms where integration is required to further business objectives. Organisational dynamics and cultures are included as significant factors in the study. The researcher posits that disharmony, or tension, exits between these two organisation forms, specifically, the project management fraternity and the fraternity of the permanent organisation. From this disharmony arises a dichotomous paradox that incumbers the seamless coexistence between the two organisation forms. This study, therefore, investigates the institutionalisation of the management of temporary organising through an understanding of the level of an organisation's execution of projects and proposes a construct aimed at addressing the phenomenon of dynamic imbalance to the appropriate level. It set out to: gain an understanding that enlightens the suspected dynamic imbalance, explore the extent to which the research problem exists, gain an understanding of the dynamics of assimilation between temporary and permanent organising, explore the harmonies that could enrich closer collaboration between temporary and permanent organising, given the acquired result, to analyse deficiencies, and construct a theoretical framework that constitutes the end state. A literature review explored challenges in project execution and the relationship with project management maturity. A Qualitative Ethnographic study was conducted within the temporary and permanent organising communities to explore the posit and to develop appropriate solution proposals. As informed by the literature review, and per Actor-Network Theory, this relationality within and between the actants within the two organisation types was investigated. Actor-Network Theory was used as the theoretical lens to explore what changes could be instituted to enhance goal achievement of both the permanent and the temporary structures by investigating material-semiotic relationships in a network context. From the information gained in the literature review and personal experience included in the study, an appreciation emerged from where the disharmony and the contributing factors were better understood. The insight gained from the research provided the setting for the development of a framework to be used during the co-existence of the temporary and permanent structures. This framework could mitigate the effects of the dynamic imbalances as experienced under the status quo.
Date08 September 2023
CreatorsBotha, Cornelis Johannes
ContributorsGossel, Sean, Dirk Kruger
PublisherFaculty of Commerce, Graduate School of Business (GSB)
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeDoctoral Thesis, Doctoral, PhD

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