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The development of a practical model for the editing of theses and dissertations

Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Theses and dissertations constitute a substantial platform for the documentation and
dissemination of research findings, and the professional presentation of such findings is
crucial for maintaining scientific integrity. Highly effective fact finders may lack writing
skills and experience, or they may simply encounter barriers when expressing ideas, and thus
perhaps inadequately present what they have so adequately found. In short, adequate editing
of theses and dissertations is essential.
Whereas a multitude of guidelines is available for thesis and dissertation writing, there is little
guidance available on the editing of such works. Thus, with the latter objective in mind, this
thesis is dedicated to developing a practical model to editing postgraduate research papers.
Despite a notable lack of theory in the field of thesis editing, which became apparent while
reviewing the respective literature, the most suitable sources of theory were selected to
provide a basis for developing a model for thesis editing. These sources, combined with
insights from a practical dissertation editing assignment, allowed for the design of a model for
the practical editing process of postgraduate research texts. The editing model is based on a process-oriented approach, i.e. one which focuses on the
learning process of the student. Moreover, the model promotes a level of editorial intervention
that conforms to the current perception of ethical intervention in thesis editing. Ethical
intervention is currently being negotiated against the backdrop of such standards as the
purpose of thesis writing as well as the requirement of originality of theses and dissertations.
In a testing phase the model was applied in a thesis editing assignment and emerged as a
valuable guide in the process of editing. It also proved practicable in all its major aspects.
Nevertheless, since a single testing assignment is not sufficient to prove the general
practicality of any model, the model is still to be considered a prototype and may have to
undergo further refinement after additional comprehensive testing. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tesisse en verhandelinge is 'n belangrike basis vir die optekening en verspreiding van
navorsingsbevindinge, en die professionele aanbieding van sodanige bevindinge is
noodsaaklik vir die behoud van wetenskaplike integriteit. Tog is kom hoogs doeltreffende
navorsers soms minder bedrewe of ervare skrywers, of hulle bloot voor hindernisse te staan
wanneer hulle hul gedagtes moet verwoord, wat tot die ontoereikende aanbieding van
bevredigende bevindinge lei. Kortom die toereikende redigering van tesisse en verhandelinge
is van die allergrootste belang.
Hoewel daar etlike riglyne vir die skryf van tesisse en verhandelinge bestaan, is daar weinig
leiding beskikbaar vir die redigering daarvan. Gedagtig hieraan is hierdie tesis daarop
toegespits om 'n praktiese model vir die redigering van nagraadse navorsingstekste te
Ondanks 'n merkbare gebrek aan teorie op die gebied van tesisredigering, wat baie duidelik
uit 'n oorsig van die betrokke literatuur blyk, is die mees toepaslike teoretiese bronne as
grondslag vir die ontwikkeling van 'n model vir tesisredigering gekies. Met behulp van
hierdie bronne, tesame met die insigte verkry uit 'n praktiese redigeeropdrag, kon 'n praktiese
model vir die redigering van nagraadse navorsingstekste ontwerp word. Die redigeermodel berus op 'n prosesgerigte benadering, dit wil sê 'n benadering wat op die
student se leerproses konsentreer. Daarbenewens argumenteer die model ten gunste van
redaksionele ingrepe wat met huidige opvattings oor etiese tesisredigering strook. Dit geskied
teen die agtergrond van die huidige gesprek oor etiese intervensie, wat onder meer teen die
agtergrond van standaarde soos die doel van die tesis sowel as die oorspronklikheidsvereiste
vir tesisse en verhandelinge gevoer word.
Die model is tydens 'n toetsfase in 'n tesisredigeringsopdrag toegepas en blyk nuttige riglyne
vir die redigeerproses te bied. Ook het al die kernkomponente daarvan geblyk prakties
bruikbaar te wees. Aangesien 'n enkele toetsopdrag nie voldoende is om die algemene
bruikbaarheid van 'n model te bewys nie, word die model steeds as 'n prototipe beskou en dit
sal waarskynlik ná bykomende omvattende toetsing verder verbeter word.
Date04 1900
CreatorsBaumeister, Anja
ContributorsLourens, Amanda, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Afrikaans and Dutch.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format1 v. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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