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Procena efektivnosti zaštićenih područja i IBA mreže za odabrane vrsta ptica u Srbiji / Estimating the effectiveness of protected areas and IBA network in the conservation of selected bird species in Serbia

<p>U&nbsp; radu&nbsp; je&nbsp; analizirana&nbsp; efektivnost&nbsp; za&scaron;tićenih područja&nbsp; Srbije&nbsp; u&nbsp; sada&scaron;njosti&nbsp; i&nbsp; budućnosti&nbsp; na osnovu&nbsp; zastupljenosti&nbsp; povoljnih&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; i centara&nbsp; diverziteta&nbsp; 116&nbsp; običnih&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; ptica odabranih na osnovu 11 kriterijuma. Zasebno su evaluirana&nbsp; za&scaron;tićena&nbsp; prirodna&nbsp; dobara, međunarodno značajna područja za ptice (IBA) i mreža nastala preklapanjem dva tipa za&scaron;tićenih područja.&nbsp; Povoljna&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; istraživanih&nbsp; vrsta utvrđena su modelovanjem distribucije vrsta uz pomoć&nbsp; MaxEnt&nbsp; pristupa,&nbsp; a&nbsp; modeli&nbsp; distribucije projektovani&nbsp; su&nbsp; na&nbsp; četiri&nbsp; različita&nbsp; scenarija klimatskih&nbsp; promena&nbsp; u&nbsp; budućnosti&nbsp; (2050. godina).&nbsp; IBA&nbsp; mreža&nbsp; pokazala&nbsp; se&nbsp; kao&nbsp; značajno<br />efektivnija za za&scaron;titu stani&scaron;ta istraživanih vrsta i centara&nbsp; njihvog&nbsp; diverziteta&nbsp; u&nbsp; odnosu&nbsp; na&nbsp; mrežu za&scaron;tićenih&nbsp; prirodnih&nbsp; dobara,&nbsp; a&nbsp; slična&nbsp; situacija predviđena&nbsp; je&nbsp; i&nbsp; u&nbsp; budućnosti.&nbsp; Oba&nbsp; tipa za&scaron;tićenih&nbsp; područja&nbsp; pokrivala&nbsp; su&nbsp; u&nbsp; proseku srazmerno&nbsp; mali&nbsp; procenat&nbsp; povoljnih&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta istraživanih&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; (za&scaron;tićena&nbsp; prirodna&nbsp; dobra&nbsp; &ndash;<br />10,4%;&nbsp; IBA&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; 21,9%)&nbsp; i&nbsp; dovela&nbsp; su&nbsp; do ostvarivanja konzervacionih ciljeva malog broja vrsta (za&scaron;tićena prirodna dobra&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; 11; IBA&nbsp; -&nbsp; 37), dok&nbsp; su&nbsp; centri&nbsp; diverziteta&nbsp; istraživanih&nbsp; vrstasrazmerno&nbsp; slabo&nbsp; zastupljeni&nbsp; unutar&nbsp; obe&nbsp; mreže (za&scaron;tićena&nbsp; prirodna&nbsp; dobra&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; 9,8%;&nbsp; IBA&nbsp; &ndash; 25,4%).&nbsp; Za&scaron;tićena&nbsp; područja&nbsp; nisu&nbsp; pokazale<br />značajno&nbsp; veću&nbsp; efektivnost&nbsp; za&nbsp; konzervaciono prioritetnt&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; i&nbsp; njihov&nbsp; diverzitet.&nbsp; Za&scaron;tićena prirodna&nbsp; dobra&nbsp; i&nbsp; IBA&nbsp; mreža&nbsp; u&nbsp; Srbiji&nbsp; značajno bolje&nbsp; pokrivaju&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; i&nbsp; centre&nbsp; diverziteta &scaron;umskih vrsta i vrsta kamenjara, klisura i litica, dok&nbsp; su&nbsp; povoljna&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; i&nbsp; centri&nbsp; diverziteta gnezdarica&nbsp; poljoprivrednih&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta,&nbsp; naselja&nbsp; i vodenih&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; izrazito&nbsp; slabo&nbsp; zastupljena. Stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; gnezdarica&nbsp; nizijskih&nbsp; poljoprivrednih<br />stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; naročito&nbsp; su&nbsp; slabo&nbsp; zastupljena&nbsp; unutar za&scaron;tićenih&nbsp; prirodnih&nbsp; dobara&nbsp; i&nbsp; IBA&nbsp; mreže,&nbsp; koja za&nbsp; ovu&nbsp; grupu&nbsp; nisu&nbsp; dovela&nbsp; do&nbsp; postizanja konzervacionih&nbsp; ciljeva.&nbsp; Razlike&nbsp; u&nbsp; efektivnosti za&scaron;tićenih&nbsp; područja&nbsp; za&nbsp; gnezdarice&nbsp; različitih tipova&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; u&nbsp; budućnosti&nbsp; će&nbsp; se&nbsp; generalno povećavati,&nbsp; usled&nbsp; predviđenog&nbsp; smanjivanja<br />areala većine &scaron;umskih vrsta koje će se povlačiti u&nbsp; za&scaron;titom&nbsp; bolje&nbsp; pokrivene&nbsp; planinske&nbsp; predele&nbsp; i &scaron;irenja areala većine gnezdarica poljoprivrednih i&nbsp; vodenih&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; na&nbsp; neza&scaron;tićena&nbsp; nizijska područja. Za deo vrsta među kojima dominiraju<br />gnezdarice&nbsp; brdsko-planinskih&nbsp; &scaron;umskih&nbsp; i&nbsp; drugih prirodnih&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; glavna&nbsp; strategija&nbsp; za&scaron;tite podrazumeva&nbsp; precizno&nbsp; pro&scaron;irenje&nbsp; granica sada&scaron;njih&nbsp; za&scaron;tićenih&nbsp; područja&nbsp; uz&nbsp; upravljanje orentisano&nbsp; ka&nbsp; očuvanju&nbsp; prirodnih&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; i smanjenju&nbsp; iskori&scaron;ćavanja&nbsp; resursa.&nbsp; Sa&nbsp; druge strane,&nbsp; za&nbsp; većinu&nbsp; gnezdarica&nbsp; poljoprivrednih&nbsp; i<br />travnih stani&scaron;ta, naročito u nizijskim predelima, efektivna&nbsp; strategija&nbsp; bila&nbsp; bi&nbsp;&nbsp; definisanje&nbsp; potpuno novih&nbsp; i&nbsp; prostranih&nbsp; za&scaron;tićenih&nbsp; područja orijentisanih&nbsp; ka&nbsp; održavanju&nbsp; povoljnog&nbsp; režima upravljanja&nbsp; i&nbsp; kori&scaron;ćenja&nbsp; prostora.&nbsp; Rad&nbsp; ukazuje<br />na velike mogućnosti kori&scaron;ćenja nesistematično prikupljenih&nbsp; podataka&nbsp; profesionalnih&nbsp; i amaterskih&nbsp; ornitologa&nbsp; uz&nbsp; primenu&nbsp; tehnika modelovanja&nbsp; distribucije&nbsp; vrsta,&nbsp; ali&nbsp; nagla&scaron;ava potrebu&nbsp; za&nbsp; pokretanjem&nbsp; &scaron;irokih&nbsp; programa<br />sistematskog&nbsp; popisa,&nbsp; kartiranja&nbsp; i&nbsp; monitoringa običnih vrsta ptica.</p> / <p>The&nbsp; study&nbsp;&nbsp; analyzes&nbsp; the&nbsp; effectiveness&nbsp; of protected areas in Serbia presently as well as in the&nbsp; future,&nbsp; based&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; representation&nbsp; of suitable habitats and centers of diversity for 116 common&nbsp; species of&nbsp; birds,&nbsp; selected on the&nbsp; basis of&nbsp; 11&nbsp; criteria.&nbsp; Nationally&nbsp; protected&nbsp; areas, Important&nbsp; Bird&nbsp; and&nbsp; Biodiversity&nbsp; areas&nbsp; (IBAs) and&nbsp; networks formed&nbsp; by overlapping these two types&nbsp; of&nbsp; protected&nbsp; areas&nbsp; have&nbsp; been&nbsp; evaluated separately. Suitable habitats of the species in the study&nbsp; were&nbsp; determined&nbsp; by&nbsp; species&nbsp; distribution modeling&nbsp; using&nbsp; the&nbsp; MaxEnt&nbsp; approach,&nbsp; and&nbsp; the distribution&nbsp; models&nbsp; were&nbsp; projected&nbsp; to&nbsp; four different&nbsp; climate&nbsp; change&nbsp; scenarios&nbsp; in&nbsp; future (year&nbsp; 2050).&nbsp; The&nbsp; IBA&nbsp; network&nbsp; proved&nbsp; to&nbsp; be significantly more effective for the&nbsp; protection of habitats&nbsp; of&nbsp; studied&nbsp; species&nbsp; and&nbsp; centers&nbsp; of&nbsp; their diversity, compared&nbsp; to the network of nationally protected&nbsp; areas,&nbsp; and&nbsp; a&nbsp; similar&nbsp; situation&nbsp; is projected for the future. Both types of protected areas&nbsp; on&nbsp; average&nbsp; covered&nbsp; a&nbsp; relatively&nbsp; small percentage of suitable habitats for most species (10.4%&nbsp; in&nbsp; nationaly&nbsp; protected&nbsp; areas,&nbsp; 21.9%&nbsp; in IBA)&nbsp; and&nbsp; meet&nbsp; conservation&nbsp; goals&nbsp; only&nbsp; for&nbsp; a&nbsp; small&nbsp; number&nbsp; of&nbsp; species&nbsp; (11&nbsp; for&nbsp; nationaly protected&nbsp; areas,&nbsp; 37&nbsp; for&nbsp; IBA).&nbsp; Diversity&nbsp; centers for&nbsp; species&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; study&nbsp; are&nbsp; relatively&nbsp; poorlyrepresented within all three networks&nbsp; (9.8% for nationaly&nbsp; protected&nbsp; areas&nbsp; and&nbsp; 25.4%&nbsp; for&nbsp; IBA). Protected&nbsp; areas&nbsp; did&nbsp; not&nbsp; show&nbsp; significantly higher&nbsp; effectiveness&nbsp; for&nbsp; the&nbsp; conservation&nbsp; of priority&nbsp; species&nbsp; and&nbsp; their&nbsp; diversity.&nbsp; Nationaly protected&nbsp; areas&nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp; IBA&nbsp; network&nbsp; in&nbsp; Serbia have&nbsp; a&nbsp; significantly&nbsp; better&nbsp; coverage&nbsp; of&nbsp; habitats and&nbsp; centers&nbsp; of&nbsp; diversity&nbsp; for&nbsp; forest&nbsp; species&nbsp; and species&nbsp; of&nbsp; rocky&nbsp; habitats,&nbsp; cliffs&nbsp; and&nbsp; gorges, while&nbsp; suitable&nbsp; habitats&nbsp; and&nbsp; centers&nbsp; of&nbsp; diversity for breeding birds of farmlands, settlements and aquatic&nbsp; habitats&nbsp; are&nbsp; very&nbsp; poorly&nbsp; represented. Habitats of breeding birds of lowland&nbsp; armlands are&nbsp; particularly&nbsp; poorly&nbsp; represented&nbsp; within protected&nbsp; natural&nbsp; assets&nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp; IBA&nbsp; network, and this measure does not meet the conservation goals for this group of birds. Differences in the effectiveness&nbsp; of&nbsp; protected&nbsp; areas&nbsp; for&nbsp; breeding birds&nbsp; of&nbsp; various&nbsp; habitat&nbsp; types&nbsp; will&nbsp; generally increase&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; future,&nbsp; due&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; anticipated range decrease&nbsp; for&nbsp; most forest species that will withdraw&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; better&nbsp; conserved&nbsp; mountainous areas, whereas range of the majority o f breeding birds&nbsp; of&nbsp; farmland&nbsp; and&nbsp; aquatic&nbsp; habitats&nbsp; will&nbsp; be expanded&nbsp; to&nbsp; unprotected&nbsp; lowland&nbsp; areas.&nbsp; For some&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; species,&nbsp; mostly&nbsp; birds&nbsp; of&nbsp; hill&nbsp; and mountain&nbsp; forests and other natural&nbsp; habitats, the main&nbsp; conservation&nbsp; strategy&nbsp; implies&nbsp; precise boundaries&nbsp; extension&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; current&nbsp; protected areas&nbsp; with&nbsp; management&nbsp; directed&nbsp; towards preserving&nbsp; natural&nbsp; habitats&nbsp; and&nbsp; reducing&nbsp; the utilization&nbsp; of&nbsp; resources.&nbsp; On&nbsp; the&nbsp; other&nbsp; hand,&nbsp; for most&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; farmland&nbsp; and&nbsp; grassland&nbsp; species, especially in the lowlands, an effective strategy would&nbsp; be&nbsp; to&nbsp; define&nbsp; completely&nbsp; new&nbsp; and spacious&nbsp; protected&nbsp; areas&nbsp; oriented&nbsp; towards maintaining a favorable regime for management and&nbsp; landuse. The&nbsp; study&nbsp; demonstrates that there are&nbsp; great&nbsp; possibilities&nbsp; of&nbsp; using&nbsp; nonsystematically&nbsp; collected&nbsp; data&nbsp; from&nbsp; professiona l and&nbsp; amateur&nbsp; ornithologists,&nbsp; for&nbsp; application&nbsp; in species&nbsp; distribution&nbsp; modeling,&nbsp; but&nbsp; also emphasizes&nbsp; the&nbsp; need&nbsp; to&nbsp; launch&nbsp; extensive programs for systematic inventory, mapping and monitoring of common bird species.</p>
Date23 September 2019
CreatorsRadišić Dimitrije
ContributorsMilic Dubravka, Vujić Ante, Bjelić-Čabrilo Olivera, Kostić Desanka, Skorić Stefan
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageUnknown
TypePhD thesis

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