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Alteracije biomarkera oksidativnog stresa kod vrhunskih džudista nakon suplementacije molekularnim vodonikom / Alteration of Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in Elite Judokas After Supplementation with Molecular Hydrogen

<p>Ispitivanja primene vodonika u kliničkim uslovima su prilično nova, međutim efikasnost<br />molekularnog vodonika u dosada&scaron;njim kliničkim ispitivanjima je evidentna. Cilj ovog<br />istraživanja bio je da se ispita uticaj suplementacije sa vodom obogaćenom molekularnim<br />vodonikom (HRW) na bazalne vrednosti parametara oksidativnog stresa kod vrhunskih<br />džudista. Eksperimentalni tretman odvijao se u dve faze. U prvoj fazi ispitanici<br />eksperimentalne grupe (N=6) su bili suplementirani sa HRW (4g) u trajanju od 28 dana,<br />dok je kontrolna grupa (N=6) koristila placebo. Nakon suplementacije ispitanici su imali<br />&bdquo;Washout&ldquo; period u trajanju od 28 dana, a zatim je ponovljen identičan protokol na<br />ispitanicima u trajanju od 28 dana. U drugoj fazi eksperimentalnog tretmana ispitivani su<br />akutni efekti suplementacije molekularnim vodonikom na acido baznu ravnotežu<br />vrhunskih džudiskinja. U ovoj fazi studije ispitanice eksperimentalne grupe (N=4) su<br />suplementirane sa HRW (4g) , dok je kontrolna grupa (N=4) koristila placebo. Nakon<br />suplementacije ispitanice su imale &bdquo;Washout&ldquo; period u trajanju od 4 dana, a zatim je<br />ponovljen identičan protokol na ispitanicama pri čemu su ispitanice eksperimentalne<br />grupe (N=4) koristile placebo, dok je kontrolna grupa (N=4) suplementirana sa HRW.<br />Rezultati ispitivanja aktivnosti antioksidativnih enzima kod Placebo i HRW grupe<br />ukazuju na pojavu statistički značajnih razlika u antioksidativnom statusu kod vrhunskih<br />džudista. Odgovor organizma usled unosa HRW ogleda se u povećanju aktivnosti enzima<br />SOD i sadržaja GSH usled sprovođenja programirane fizičke aktivnosti. Takođe, trend<br />opadanja sadržaja MDA u HRW grupi je bio detektabilan. Primena HRW nije izazvala<br />statistički značajne promene u biohemijsko hematolo&scaron;kim parametrima. Akutni efekti<br />suplementacije sa HRW uticali su statistički značajno na redukciju akumulacije laktata<br />kao i na povećanje pH krvi nakon primene specifičnog džudo fitnes testa (SJFT) kod<br />vrhunskih džudistkinja. Ipak, primena suplementa nije značajno uticala na pobolj&scaron;anje<br />performansi džudistkinja. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na ergogenu antioksidantnu moć<br />molekularnog vodonika, pri čemu su dalja istraživanja neophodna kako bi se podesili<br />uslovi u kojima bi molekularni vodonik ispoljio svoje maksimalno delovanje i u sportu.</p> / <p>Research of hydrogen application are quite new in clinical conditions, however the<br />efficiency of molecular hydrogen in previous clinical studies is evident. The aim of this<br />study was to investigate the effect of supplementation with hydrogen rich water (HRW)<br />on baseline oxidative stress parameters in elite male judokas. Experimental treatment was<br />carried out in two phases. In the first phase, experimental group (N=6) were<br />supplemented daily with HRW (4g) for 28 days, while the control group (N=6) was used<br />placebo. After supplementation intake all subjects had &quot;washout&quot; period for 28 days, after<br />which the same protocol was repeated for a period of 28 days. In the second stage of<br />experimental treatment, acute effects of supplementation with molecular hydrogen on<br />acid base balance of elite female judokas were examined. In this phase of the study,<br />subjects from experimental group (N=4) were supplemented daily with HRW (4g), while<br />the control group (N=4) used placebo. After supplementation all subjects had a<br />&quot;washout&quot; period for a 4 days, after which the same protocol was repeated wherein the<br />members of the experimental group (N=4) used placebo, while the control group (N=4)<br />was supplemented daily with HRW. The results of analyzed antioxidant enzymes activity<br />in placebo and HRW group indicated on the occurrence of statistically significant<br />differences in antioxidant status of elite judo athletes. Obtained results indicate that<br />response of the body due to intake HRW is reflected in increasing levels of SOD and<br />GSH due to the implementation of programmed physical activity. Also, trend of MDA<br />decreasing in HRW group was detectable. In addition, application of HRW did not cause<br />negative changes in the biochemical and hematological parameters. Acute effects of<br />supplementation were affected to a statistically significant reduction in lactate<br />accumulation and pH increase after applied special judo fitness test (SJFT) on the top<br />judoka. However, use of supplements had no significant effect on improving performance<br />in elite judokas. Obtained results confirm ergogenic antioxidant power of molecular<br />hydrogen, wherein further studies are necessary in order to adjust the conditions in which<br />molecular hydrogen will exerted its maximum in sport.</p>
Date30 October 2017
CreatorsTrivić Tatjana
ContributorsDrid Patrik, Ostojić Sergej, Ugarković Dušan
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageUnknown
TypePhD thesis

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