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Att skriva ett kurskompendium för tätkontroll och läcksökning.

SAMMANFATTNING Lackage fran en komponent i form av vatska eller gas ar ett ofta underskattat problem som kan ge upphov till samre produktkvalitet, energiforluster och i slutandan ge ekonomiska konsekvenser om lackaget blir for stort. Det finns dessutom en miljo- och halsorisk om en produkt eller komponent lacker ut storre mangder kemikalier eller metaller. Kan lackaget minskas finns med andra ord stora vinster att hamta. Nolek AB bygger instrument for att hitta lackage, lacksokning, och mata lackage, tatkontroll. Foretaget arrangerar utbildningar for sina kunder men har tidigare inte haft nagot uppdaterat material for detta andamal. Syftet med examensarbetet ar att producera delar till ett nytt utbildningspaket inom tatkontroll, lacksokning och provtryckning samt att undersoka teorier for skrivande av pedagogiska texter. Arbetets resultat utgors av ett kurskompendium samt en PowerPoint-presentation kopplad till kompendiet. Malgrupperna for kurskompendiet ar kursledare, nyanstallda pa Nolek samt foretagets kunder. Tathet ar ett relativt begrepp och det gar inte att bevisa en obefintlig lacka. Grunden for en tatkontroll ar tatkravet, vilket tydligt maste definiera lackagets storsta tillatna mangd per tidsenhet. Ur tatkravet ska det aven framga vilket medium kontrollen utfors i, vilket provtryck som anvands samt vid vilken temperatur som provningen sker. Vid tatkontrollen, som genomfors med lamplig metod utifran det satta tatkravet, gors en provning av om komponenten lacker mer eller mindre an tatkravet. Teoretiska kunskaper om tryck, gas och stromningslara ar centrala for att kunna avgora vad som ar ett godtagbart lackage eller for att forsta varfor ett visst utslag erhalls pa instrumentet. Provtryckning innebar ett test av hallfastigheten hos en komponent eller en produkt. Det finns ett flertal forordningar och direktiv som maste foljas vid provtryckning. Ett kurskompendium ar en pedagogisk text. Olika texter lases pa olika satt och lamnar olika stort utrymme for lasarens egna tolkningar. En pedagogisk text ska lamna ett mindre tolkningsutrymme at lasaren an vad den skonlitterara texten gor. Forfattaren av en pedagogisk text har pa forhand en uppfattning om vilka specifika saker mottagaren ska fa ut av sin lasning. Den pedagogiska texten ska vara beskrivande och maste struktureras utifran pedagogiska krav sa att fakta och forklaringar blir relativt enkla och gripbara for lasaren. Genom att forfattaren skriver enkelt, konkret och anvander rikt med exempel kan texten uppfattas som begriplig, personligt lonande och betydelsefull for mottagaren. Forfattarens tankar ska formedlas till lasaren samtidigt som lasaren stimuleras till att sjalv tanka vidare. ABSTRACT Leakage from an object or component is a common and often underestimated problem which can generate inferior quality of the product, loss of energy and eventually generate economical consequences if the leakage becomes too large. There also exists an environmental hazard and health risk if a product or component is leaking substantial amounts of chemicals or metals. Therefore there are great profits to gain if a possibility to minimize the leakage exists. Nolek AB assembles instruments for finding leakage, leak detection, and measure leakage, leak testing. The company arranges educations for their customers, but hasn’t had any updated material for doing this. The aim of this master thesis is to produce a compendium that explains leak testing, leak detection and proof testing, to produce a PowerPoint-presentation and to inquire into theories for writing pedagogical papers. The target groups for the compendium are course leaders, newly employed personnel at Nolek and the company’s customers. Density is a relative concept and it is not possible to prove a leak which does not exist. The base for leak testing is the density demands, which has to clearly define the leakage’s greatest quantity that is allowed per time unit. The density demands must also tell which medium, which pressure and which temperature that is being used for the testing. The testing is being carried out with a suitable method according to the density demands by deciding whether the component is leaking more or less than the density demands. Theoretical knowledge about pressure, gas and currents are central for determining what an acceptable leakage is or to understand why a certain deflection is shown on the instrument. Proof testing is a test of the strength of a component or a product. There exists multiple regulations that has to be considered when proof testing. A course compendium is a pedagogical text. Different texts are being read in different ways and leaves different room for the reader’s own interpretations. A pedagogical text should leave less room for interpretations than a fiction text. The author of a pedagogical text has a pre-defined opinion of what the reader is going to achieve by reading the text. The pedagogical text is supposed to be descriptive and has to be structured on the basis of pedagogical demands in order to make facts and explanations simple and tangible for the reader. When the author is writing in a simple and concrete fashion and uses a lot of examples, the text can be sensed as understandable, personally profitable and significant for the receiver. The thoughts of the author are supposed to be conveyed to the reader at the same time as the reader are being stimulated to think even further unaided.
Date January 2012
CreatorsBergman, Therese
PublisherKTH, Skolan för teknikvetenskap (SCI)
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageSwedish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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