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Asylum Harmonization Process And Its Impacts Within The Context Of The Eu Enlargement

Since 1980s, a number of factors caused an overall enhancement in the number of persons applying for asylum in Europe. This rapid increase in asylum applications and the end of the ideological gains towards refugees with the end of the politicized Cold War environment, necessitated European countries to re-focus on their immigration and asylum policies in a more systematic manner, especially after the ratification of the &lsquo / Single European Act&rsquo / . Following the transfer of competencies in asylum and migration to the Community level, discussions were quickly moved within a European framework although harmonization of divergent national practices about an issue directly related to state sovereignty, has not been deemed as a troublefree task for the Member States. On the other hand, the acquis regarding this problematic and state-centric issue has already started to be transferred to the
Applicant Countries for the EU membership, as part of the pre-accession strategy, and also to the third countries through bilateral agreements. This thesis work will focus on the concerns regarding the extension of these European asylum acquis to the third countries as well as on the advantages of creating a Common Asylum Policy within the Union and its Associates.
Date01 July 2005
CreatorsAlp, Cigdem -
ContributorsOkyayuz, Mehmet -
Source SetsMiddle East Technical Univ.
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeM.S. Thesis
RightsTo liberate the content for public access

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