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Premiers contacts entre britanniques et indiens d'Amérique du Nord et conséquences sur leurs modes de vie respectifs / First contacts between british people and native americans and consequences on their respective ways of life

Ce travail s’attache à étudier les conséquences qu’ont eu les contacts entre Britanniques et populations amérindiennes sur le mode de vie de ces deux populations dès leur première rencontre. L’idée reçue veut que seuls les Britanniques aient laissé (et lourdement) leur empreinte sur le sol et les peuples qu’ils ont rencontrés à leur arrivée sur le nouveau continent. Or le sujet est ici plutôt celui d’une influence réciproque dans une certaine mesure, au vu de données archéologiques, historiques et ethnohistoriques. Les angles d’étude choisis sont les habitudes et comportements liés directement ou non à l’alimentation (comment se procuraient-ils leur nourriture, comment la cuisinaient-ils, la partageaient-ils, quels liens sociaux découlaient de ces procédés,… ?), les différences culturelles et les rapports aux autres (autres tribus, colons originaires d’autres nations européennes…) qu’ils soient amicaux ou hostiles, diplomatiques ou économiques. / This study investigates the consequences that contacts between British people and Native American populations had on their respective ways of life. There is a widespread cliché in people’s minds according to which only British people would have had (heavily) left their marks on the North American ground and peoples that they encountered. Nevertheless, and contrarily to this idea, we shall tackle here their reciprocal influence, that is the way in which Native tribes also deeply impacted British colonists’ everyday life in the New World. We were able to witness such an influence thanks to archaeological, historical and ethnohistorical evidence. Various angles of study were chosen for this paper: the cultural habits and behaviors directly or indirectly linked to food (how did people have access to food supplies? How were foodstuffs prepared or cooked? Were food and/or meals shared? Which social links and practices -if any- derived from such habits?...). We shall also have to present to the audience what Native people’s connections and attitudes towards other tribes, or colonists from different European nations, were. And these could have been friendly, diplomatic, economical or even hostile relationships, implying political management and thinking ahead of taking actions, which was commonly omitted in the past.
Date18 November 2013
CreatorsSavalle, Caroline
ContributorsTours, Guilbert, Georges-Claude
Source SetsDépôt national des thèses électroniques françaises
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeElectronic Thesis or Dissertation, Text

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