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The role of the China Africa Development Fund in China's Africa policy

Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: China and Africa's increased interaction over the past decade has received
attention from the media, academics, economists and politicians alike. The
rise of China as a potential world economic power has sparked both concern
and suspicion. Concern over China's impact in African states has been voiced
by Western and African leaders. The Chinese economy has experienced
robust growth since embarking on ambitious reforms to open up its economy
to outside investment and trade, as well as policies geared towards
encouraging Chinese enterprises to go abroad. China's rise in importance in
the international arena has led to increased scrutiny of its foreign policies and
internal policies. In order to gain a balanced view of China's engagement in
African states it is necessary to examine the various components of their
This thesis has chosen to focus on CADFund as its main unit of analysis, and
has illustrated that the Fund fulfils both a political and economic role in
China's relations with Africa. This study will explore the political and
economic motivations behind China's interest in Africa. Conclusions are
drawn from the structural organisation, investment approaches and projects of
CADFund. The way in which CADFund fits into China‟s Africa policy will be
determined by looking at the Fund's activities and how they fit into the
principles set out in China's Africa Policy.
The main question posed by this study was regarding the role which
CADFund plays in China’s Africa Policy. The mandate of the Fund is to
provide funding and advisory and support services to Chinese enterprises
wishing to invest in African states. With 60 completed projects to date, the
Fund has arguably indeed helped to progress the Chinese government's goal
of encouraging Chinese enterprises to invest in Africa.
Recommendations for future research are encouraged in order to build on this
specific field. For example, more extensive research could be pursued
concerning CADFund linkages with the Chinese government. Together with this, questions regarding the perceived effectiveness of CADFund could also
be addressed – specifically by investigating how projects are managed and
monitored by CADFund. In these follow-up explorations, theoretical
frameworks such as the “principle-agent theory” could also be incorporated as
frameworks with which to view CADFund‟s relationship with the Chinese
government. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: China en Afrika se verhoogde interaksie oor die afgelope dekade het baie
aandag van die media, akademici, ekonome en politici ontvang. Die opkoms
van China as 'n potensiële wêreld ekonomiese mag, het gelei tot beide
agterdog en kommer. Kommer oor China se invloed binne Afrika state is
geopper deur Westerse sowel as Afrika leiers. Die Chinese ekonomie het
ongekende groei beleef sedert hul vertek op ambisieuse hervormings, om hul
ekonomie meer vry en oop te maak vir buitelandse belegging en handel,
sowel as beleid hervormings wat daarop gemik is om Chinese ondernemings
oorsee te bevorder. China se opkoms as 'n belangrike moondheid op
internasionale gebied, het gelei to nadere ondersoek van sy buitelandse
beleide. Om 'n gebalanseerde beeld van China se betrokkenheid in
Afrikastate te kry, is dit noodsaaklik om verskeie komponente van hul
betrokkenheid te ondersoek.
Hierdie tesis kies om te fokus op China-Afrika Ontwikkelingsfonds (CADFund)
as die vernaamste eenheid van analise en beskryf beide die fonds se politieke
sowel as 'n ekonomiese rol in China se betrekkinge met Afrika. Hierdie studie
sal die politieke en ekonomiese beweegredes agter China se belange in
Afrika verken. Gevolgtrekkings word gemaak van strukturele organisasie,
belegging benaderings en projekte van China-Afrika Ontwikkelingsfonds. Die
manier waarop China-Afrika Ontwikkelingsfonds by China se Afrika-beleid
inpas, sal vasgestel word deur te kyk na die fonds se aktiviteite en hoe hulle
by die neergelegde beginsels van China se Afrika-beleid inpas.
Die belangrikste vraag wat hierdie studie stel, is met betrekking tot die rol wat
China-Afrika Ontwikkelingsfonds in China se Afrika-beleid speel. Die mandaat
van die fonds is om finasiering, raadgewende en ondersteunende dienste aan
Chinese ondernemings te bied wat in Afrika-state wil belê. Met 60 voltooide
projekte tot op datum, het die fonds inderdaad gehelp om by te dra tot die
Chinese regering se doelwit om Chinese ondernemings aan te moedig om in
Afrka te belê.
Aanbevelinge vir toekomstige navorsing word aangemoedig om voort te bou
op hierdie spesifieke gebied. Byvoorbeeld, meer uitgebreide navorsing oor
China-Afrika Ontwikkelingsfonds se bande met die Chinese Regering.
Samehangend hiermee,vrae in verband met die vermeende doeltreffendheid
van China-Afrika Ontwikkelingsfonds kan ook ondersoek word - spesifiek deur
te ondersoek hoe projekte bestuur en gekontroleer word deur China-Afrika
Ontwikkelingsfonds. In hierdie opvolg ondersoeke, kan teoretiese raamwerke
soos die ”principle-agent theory” ook ingesluit word as raamwerke waarna
China-Afrika Ontwikkelingsfonds se verhoudinge met die Chinese Regering
gekyk kan word.
Date12 1900
CreatorsSchickerling, Elizabeth Jane
ContributorsGrimm, Sven, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Political Science.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Formatxi, 73 p. : ill. (some col.)
RightsStellenbosch University

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