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Liturgy and spirituality in the ecumenical movement : a systematic-theological evaluation

Thesis (DTh (Systematical Theology and Missiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A growing number of scholars with an interest in liturgy and spirituality have contributed to
discussions surrounding the relationship between liturgy and spirituality. This dissertation
examines the relationship between liturgy and spirituality in the ecumenical movement, and in
particular how four factors, namely the Charismatic Renewal, inculturation, secularization, and
reflections on Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry (BEM), have had an impact on its development.
Chapter One introduces this study by focusing on the particular connectedness between liturgy
and spirituality. Chapters Two to Five critically examine the four challenges.
Chapter Two examines the impact that the Charismatic Renewal had on liturgy and spirituality. It
discusses the interest that the ecumenical movement had in the Charismatic Renewal, as the
ecumenical movement realized what the Renewal could offer them.
Chapter Three concerns itself with the challenges that inculturation poses, especially to the
liturgy. One prominent question is: How do Christians proclaim Christ faithfully in different
cultures? This chapter deals with the fact that inculturation involves dialogue between liturgy and
culture – a dialogue which leads to mutual enrichment.
Chapter Four concentrates on the impact of secularization, especially since the 1960’s. It
examines how the relevance of worship was called to question by the process of secularization.
Chapter Five highlights how BEM inspired endeavours for the renewal of liturgy and of spiritual
life. It describes how BEM had an impact on studies of worship and spirituality and the revision of
forms of worship in several churches.Chapter Six is a brief theological evaluation of the impact that the said factors were having on
liturgy and spirituality within the ecumenical movement. Some implications of the impact are
discussed and suggestions are made about how liturgy and spirituality can continually shape one
another. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ‘n Toenemende aantal navorsers op die gebied van liturgie en spiritualiteit het bydraes gelewer
betreffende die verhouding tussen liturgie en spiritualiteit. Hierdie verhandeling ondersoek die
verhouding tussen liturgie en spiritualiteit in die ekumeniese beweging, en in besonders die
impak wat vier faktore, naamlik die Charismatiese Beweging, inkulturasie, sekularisasie, en
besinning oor die Doop, die Nagmaal, en die Bediening, op hierdie ontwikkeling gehad het.
Hoofstuk Een dien as inleiding tot hierdie studie deur te fokus op die spesifieke verbintenis
tussen liturgie en spiritualiteit. In Hoofstukke Twee tot Vyf word die vier uitdagings krities
Hoofstuk Twee ondersoek die impak wat die Charismatiese Beweging op die liturgie en
spiritualiteit gehad het. Daar is ‘n bespreking van die belangstelling wat die ekumeniese beweging
in die Charismatiese Beweging gehad het, toe die ekumeniese beweging besef het wat die
Charismatiese Beweging vir hulle kan bied.
Hoofstuk Drie ondersoek die uitdagings wat inkulturasie met hom bring, veral met betrekking tot
die liturgie. ‘n Belangrike vraag is die kwessie van hoe Christene die Christusboodskap op ‘n
geloofwaardige manier in verskillende kulture kan uitdra. Die hoofstuk behandel die feit dat
inkulturasie ‘n dialoog tussen liturgie en kultuur behels – ‘n dialoog wat tot wedersydse verryking
kan lei.
Hoostuk Vier fokus op die impak van sekularisasie, veral sedert die 1960’s. Dit ondersoek hoe die
proses van sekularisasie die tersaaklikheid van aanbidding bevraagteken het.
Hoofstuk Vyf laat die soeklig val op die pogings van BEM (‘n dokument wat Christene vra om
opnuut te besin oor die Doop, die Nagmaal, en die Bediening) ten einde vernuwing te bring wat
betref die liturgie en die geestelike lewe. Dit beskryf die impak wat BEM gehad het op studies van
aanbidding en spiritualiteit, en die hersiening van vorme van aanbidding in verskeie kerke.
Hoofstuk Ses is ‘n kort teologiese evaluering van die impak wat genoemde faktore het op die
liturgie en spiritualiteit in die ekumeniese beweging. Implikasies van hierdie impak word
bespreek en voorstelle word gemaak oor hoe die liturgie en spiritualiteit mekaar gedurig kan
Date03 1900
CreatorsBezuidenhoudt, J.
ContributorsSmit, Dirk, Koopman, Nico, University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Systematic Theology and Ecclesiology.
PublisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format243 leaves
RightsUniversity of Stellenbosch

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