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The Lived Life in the Writings of Maxine Greene

<p> For a long time my ears were pricked whenever I came across the term lived life in Maxine Greene's writings. In reviewing the works of Greene scholars I was unable to find any mention of this term. I was motivated to write this dissertation as a means of coming to understand the possible meaning of <i>lived life</i> though a review of Greene's books: <i> Teacher as Stranger</i> (1973), <i>Landscapes of Learning</i> (1978), <i>The Dialectic of Freedom</i> (1988), <i>Releasing the Imagination</i> (1995) and <i>Variations on a Blue Guitar</i> (2001). My inquiry uses a hybrid of qualitative methodologies (Alvesson &amp; Sk&ouml;ldberg, 2000; Richardson &amp; St. Pierre, in Denzin &amp; Lincoln, 2005; Sinner, Leggo, Irwin, Gouzouasis &amp; Grauer, 2006; Smith, 1992; Sullivan, 2010) that assembles autobiography, inquiry, and reflexive writing as a meta-analytic exhibition of possibility (Sullivan, 2010). My inquiry concludes that Greene's use of <i>lived life</i> is a further developed prereflective state whose antecedents include Husserl's (1954) life-world and MerleauPonty's (1945) primordial silence. Through my findings I determine that <i>lived life </i> is emblematic of Greene's distinction within the field of philosophy given the intersubjective and human qualities of the term that catalyze an individual's choice in creating the existential project of change. I also conclude that <i>lived life</i> is characterized by its presence for the aesthetic encounter to occur. These findings have considerations for OF Leadership True Merleau-Ponty's leadership in considering how opportunities can be made for students, colleagues, and citizens to engage their <i> lived lives</i> in constructing change in education, the workplace, and the community at large.</p>
Date08 November 2013
CreatorsPowers, Shawn Maureen
PublisherPlymouth State University
Detected LanguageEnglish

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