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An evaluation of a professional development programme in environmental education

Thesis (MEd )--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is an interpretive formative evaluation of a Professional Development Programme in Environmental Education. The specific aim of the study was to evaluate the extent to which the programme has enabled professional development of teachers; the degree to which the processes of this specific Professional Development Programme (PDP) has enabled implementation and the nature and the amount of take- up of the PDP processes.
The data for this research were generated through semi structured interviews, focus group discussions and observations of teachers‘ projects. Thematic analysis was used as a method of data analysis. Constructivist, formative evaluation informed the epistemology and ontological perspectives that guided data analysis and interpretation and discussions that were made in this research.
Data indicate that professional development programmes involving various stakeholders need to be well controlled and co-ordinated. Communication and motivation need to be integrated into the PD programme by the leadership. The Professional Development Programme was done in isolation and lacked a deep epistemological and ontological grounding, showing minimal research in the process therefore, the communication and motivation need to be integrated into the PD programme by the leadership. Department of Education officials indicated that they were not involved in the planning stage and fulfilled more of a management and co-ordination role. They were not able to monitor the process because they were not informed or assisted to develop a monitoring tool and besides their workload prohibited them from doing so. Teachers reflected various dimensions of take-up from the programme but they were not able to realize the action project (except in two schools). Teachers expressed difficulties in implementing the programme because of full schedules and curriculum commitments in school programmes.
This research has presented the sentiments of the respondents (participants) in this PDP and has come to the conclusion that this Professional Development Programme has potential and improving aspects of it (see chapter 6) will go a long way towards improving the sustainability of this programme, and improving the quality of teachers that are trained in this kind of programme and even beyond. The PDP has enabled professional development in many ways (See chapter 4 on take-up). However, monitoring and implementation came out clear as those aspects of professional development in the programme that require much attention if the programme is to improve and become more sustainable. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis behels 'n verklarende, formatiewe evaluering van 'n Professionele ontwikkelingsprogram in Omgewingsonderwys. Die hoofdoel van die studie was om die mate waarin die program onderwysers in staat gestel het om professioneel te ontwikkel, te evalueer insluitende die mate waarin die prosesse van die spesifieke Professionele Ontwikkelings Program(POP), implementering in staat gestel het, asook die aard en hoeveelheid opnames van die POP-prosesse.
Die data van die navorsing is verkry deur semi gestruktureerde onderhoude, fokusgroep besprekings en waarnemings van onderwysers se projekte. Tematiese analise is as metode van die data analise gebruik. Konstruktivistiese-, formatiewe evaluering het die Epistemologiese en Ontologiese perspektiewe bekend gestel wat data analise en interpretasies en besprekings wat tydens die navorsing gemaak is, gelei het.
Data dui daarop dat Professionele ontwikkelingsprogramme wat verskeie belanghebbendes insluit, goed beheer en gekoördineer moet wees. Kommunikasie en motivering moet ingesluit word in die POP-program deur die leiers. Die Professionele ontwikkelingsprogram is in isolasie uitgevoer en het 'n aansienlike gebrek aan Epistemologiese en Ontologiese begronding gewys wat minimale navorsing in die proses getoon het. Kurrikulum Adviseurs het aangedui dat hulle nie betrokke was vanaf die beplanningstadium nie en dat hulle ‘n bestuur en koördineringsrol vertolk het. Hulle was nie in staat gewees om die proses te monitor nie, aangesien hulle nie ingelig of gehelp is in die ontwikkeling van 'n moniteringsinstrument nie, wyl hul werklading hulle ook verhoed het om dit te doen. Onderwysers het verskeie dimensies van opnames vanuit die program getoon maar kon nie die aksie projek laat realiseer nie (behalwe in twee skole). Onderwysers het probleme in die implementering van die program getoon weens vol programme en kurrikulum verpligtinge binne die skool programme.
Hierdie navorsing het deur om die sentimente van die respondente (deelnemers) in die POP te vertoon, tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat hierdie professionele ontwikkelingsprogram die vermoë het en met die verbetering van sekere aspekte daarvan (sien hoofstuk 6), ver sal gaan in die verbetering van volhoubaarheid van die program, en deur die verbetering van die huidige onderwysers se kwaliteit wat opgelei is in hierdie program. Die POP het in baie opsigte professionele ontwikkeling tot gevolg gehad (sien hoofstuk 4 oor opnames). Nietemin het monitering en implementering duidelik na vore gekom as professionele ontwikkelings aspekte,wat indien nie genoegsame aandag verkry, die program geweldig kan laat misluk.
Date12 1900
CreatorsChiroma, Jane Adhiambo
ContributorsReddy, Chris, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Curriculum Studies.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Formatxiv, 225 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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