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Value and belief systems in outcomes based education in a diverse school environment

Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The introduction of Outcomes Based Education in the South African school system brought about a
new approach to education. The existing system of a multitude of subjects was replaced by a
curriculum with eight learning areas. In this curriculum the focus is on attitudes, skills and values
which replaced a content based approach with a process-based approach. Educators thereby became
facilitators in the educational process.
With the barriers of segregation removed in the South African society the diversity of the
population created multi-cultural classrooms. Schools became the meeting place of many cultures
and belief systems. Educators who facilitated learning in schools were not always prepared for the
task of managing a multi-cultural and multi-religious school environment. This change within the
school system required that educators make a paradigm shift regarding their role as educators.
The introduction of Curriculum 2005 (1997); The Revised National Curriculum (2001) and the
National Curriculum Statement (2002) was not without problems in South Africa. Many educators
resisted change and had negative perceptions about the implementation of Outcomes Based
Education in schools. These perceptions stemmed from inadequate training of educators for the
implementation phase of the curriculum. The lack of skills to facilitate the content of the curriculum
was also visible in the educators' inability to identify values in the curriculum.
The multi-cultural and multi-religious classroom confronted educators with values from the
different value and belief systems of learners. It is, therefore, important that educators should be
able to identify values in order to attain the outcomes of the curriculum. Previous research indicated
that educators did not play an active role in the teaching of values in schools. Neither were the
educators participating in this research able to either identify or promote the values identified in the
The aim of this research was to develop an instrument to assist educators in identifying values from
different belief systems in C2005 (1997); The Revised National Curriculum (2001) and the National
Curriculum Statement (2002). Guidelines were developed for the facilitation of the identified values
within the OBE curriculum. An empirical research was undertaken regarding the management of values in schools in the
Western Cape during June 1999. Possible methods and approaches to values in education in general
were identified and the suggested instrument and guidelines to assist educators with the
identification of values was developed.
The relevance of this study is to assist in-service and pre-service educators In identifying and
facilitating different belief and value systems in an OBE education system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die implementering van Uitkomsgebaseerde Onderwys (UGO) in die Suid-Afrikaanse skoolstelsel
het 'n nuwe benadering tot onderwys gebring. Die veelvoudige vakkeuses van die vorige
kurrikulum is vervang deur een met agt leerareas. 'n Nuwe kurrikulum wat gefokus is op
gesindhede, vaardighede en waardes het op sy beurt die inhoudgebaseerde kurrikulum met 'n
prosesbenadering vervang. Opvoeders het nou fasiliteerders van die leerproses geword.
Die verwydering van skeidslyne in die Suid Afrikaanse samelewing het tot gevolg gehad dat die
diversiteit van die S.A. bevolking tot multikulturele klaskamers gelei het. Skole het die
ontmoetingsplek van vele kulture en waardestelsels geword. Die opvoeders wat die leerproses in
skole moet fasiliteer, is nie altyd voorbereid op die multikulturele en multireligieuse
skoolomgewing nie. Die verandering in die skoolwese vereis dat opvoeders 'n paradigmaskuif
betreffende hulle rol as opvoeders moet maak.
Die implementering van Kurrikulum 2005(Curriculum 2005,1997; Hersiene Nasionale Kurrikulum
(Revised National Curriculum, 2001); Nasionale Kurrikulum Stelling (National Curriculum
Statement, 2002) was geensins sonder probleme nie. Heelwat opvoeders het weerstand gebied en
baie negatiewe persepsies is behou in verband met die implementering van Uitkomsgebaseerde
Onderwys in skole. Die persepsies van opvoeders ten opsigte van die implementeringsfase van die
kurrikulum word gemotiveer as gevolg van die onvoldoende opleiding in die voorbereidingsproses ..
Die gebrek aan vaardighede om die inhoud van die kurrikulum te fasiliteer, is sigbaar in die
opvoeders se onvermoë om waardes in die kurrikulum te identifiseer.
Die multikulturele en multireligieuse klaskamer het opvoeders konfronteer met die leerders se
waardes vanuit hul verskillende waarde- en oriënteringsomgewings. (belief systems). Dit word
belangrik geag dat opvoeders hierdie waardes kan identifiseer sodat die uitkomste van die
kurrikulum behaal kan word. Vorige navorsing het aangedui dat opvoeders nie 'n aktiewe rol in die
fasilitering van waardes in die skool speel nie. Die opvoeders wat deel was van hierdie navorsing,
kon ook nie waardes in die kurrikulum identifiseer of bevorder nie. Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om 'n instrument te ontwerp om opvoeders te help met die
identifisering van waardes van die verskillende oriënteringsomgewings (belief systems) in C200S
(1997); RNC (2001); NCS(2002) Riglyne is ontwerp vir fasilitering van die geïdentifiseerde
waardes in die UGO kurrikulum. Empiriese ondersoek is onderneem met die doelom die hantering
van waardes in Wes-Kaapse skole na te vors. Moontlike metodes en benaderings tot waardes in
onderwys in die algemeen is geïdentifiseer en 'n instrument om opvoeders te help met die
identifisering van waardes, is ontwikkel. Riglyne word voorgestelom opvoeders te help in hulle
benadering tot waardes in die kurrikulum.
Die waarde van die studie lê daarin om sowel voor- as indiensopvoeders te help met die
identifisering en fasilitering van waardes vanuit die verskillende waarde en oriënteringsomgewings
in 'n Uitkomsgebaseerde Onderwysstelsel.
Date04 1900
CreatorsRhodes, B. D. (Bernard David)
ContributorsRoux, C. D., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Curriculum Studies.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format183 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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