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Bezpečnostní studie výpadků elektrické energie na území obce z rozšířenou působností České Budějovice / Safety Study of Electricity Blackouts in the municipality České Budějovice

Electrical energy is a very important part of our society. Every household needs electrical energy for its daily routine, every company needs it for its production, our entire society can not do without electrical energy, it is literally the spine, the alpha and omega of everything. Modern products, such as mobile phones, storage media, computer sets, but also light, all of this is possible thanks to electrical energy, which is an integral part of life and no one can imagine a life without it anymore. Electrical energy is very important for the operation of a country, it is integrated in critical infrastructure and an electrical power blackout will endanger everything across our society. It is for this reason that society should learn to use electricity sparingly, and it also should ready itself for the possibility of a blackout coming at any moment, hitting anyone. The topic of this thesis is electrical energy. The thesis explores the question whether the Police of the Czech Republic is capable of an appropriate response in the event of a blackout in the wider area (ORP) of České Budějovice and whether the readiness for such an event is high. The goal of the work is the creation of a safety study on possible risks in the wider area (ORP) of České Budějovice. The research question of the thesis has been articulated as "In what manner will the wider area (ORP) of České Budějovice be secured in the event of a electrical power blackout?" In its theoretical part, the thesis discusses crisis control in general, the terms Crisis Situation, Regional Crisis Plan, Crisis Command are explained, components of the integrated rescue services (IZS) and their main activities are listed, the definition of responsibilities of the hetman and the scope of his authority within the IZS, his conduct during threat periods, the explanation of terms such as infrastructure and critical infrastructure. The current legislature in all the mentioned fields is listed here. The next part deals with electrical energy, how it is created, what types of power plants produce electricity, electric power transmission and distribution networks, what companies produce and distribute electrical energy, the activity of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, regulatory authority and state energy inspection activities, the activity of energy producers in the event of an electrical power failure during a crisis threat period or when a crisis situation arises, the activity of electrical energy operators when a crises situation arises, the activity territorial administration authorities during crisis situation threat periods and when crises arise. The practical part of the thesis discusses police procedures in extraordinary events, the number of district departments in the wider area (ORP) of České Budějovice, approximate numbers of police officers in the district departments, the definition of basic procedures within Police Law. The research part of the thesis focuses on the wider area (ORP) of České Budějovice, which contains various companies, selected for this thesis, which are compared using multiple-criteria assessment, with regards to possible safety risks in the extraordinary event of an electrical power blackout. The next point of the research was the approaching of experts from the ranks of the Police of the Czech Republic, Regional Section České Budějovice, who were then asked about police readiness, police material supplies, possible reinforcements which could secure buildings in the wider area (ORP) of České Budějovice, in the event of an electrical power blackout. The conclusion of this thesis focuses on the research question, which was to the effect of "Safety Study for the Event of an Electrical Power Blackout on the Wider Area Municipality of České Budějovice".
Date January 2016
CreatorsŠARVAIC, Miroslav
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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