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Numerically exact quantum dynamics of low-dimensional lattice systems

In this thesis I present contributions to the development, analysis and application of tensor network state methods for numerically exact quantum dynamics in one and two-dimensional lattice systems. The setting of numerically exact quantum dynamics is introduced in Chapter 2. This includes a discussion of exact diagonalization approaches and massively parallel implementations thereof as well as a brief introduction of tensor network states.

In Chapter 3, I perform a detailed analysis of the performance of n-ary tree tensor network states for simulating the dynamics of two-dimensional lattices. This constitutes the first application of this class of tensor network to dynamics in two spatial dimensions, a long-standing challenge, and the method is found to perform on par with existing state-of-the-art approaches.

Chapter 4 showcases the efficacy of a novel tensor network format I developed, tailored to electron-phonon coupled problems in their single-electron sector, through an application to the Holstein model. The applicability of the approach to a broad range of parameters of the model allows to reveal the strong influence of the spread of the electron distribution on the initial state of the phonons at the site where the electron is introduced, for which a simple physical picture is offered. I depart from method development in Chapter 5 and analyse the prospects of using tensor network states evolved using the time-dependent variational principle as an approximate approach to determine asymptotic transport properties with a finite, moderate computational effort. The method is shown to not yield the correct asymptotics in a clean, non-integrable system and can thus not be expected to work in generic systems, outside of finely tuned parameter regimes of certain models.

Chapters 6 and 7 are concerned with studies of spin transport in long-range interacting systems using tensor network state methods. For the clean case, discussed in Chapter 6, we find that for sufficiently short-ranged interactions, the spreading of the bulk of the excitation is diffusive and thus dominated by the local part of the interaction, while the tail of the excitation decays with a powerlaw that is twice as large as the powerlaw of the interaction. Similarly, in the disordered case, analysed in Chapter 7, we find subdiffusive transport of spin and sub-linear growth of entanglement entropy. This behaviour is in agreement with the behaviour of systems with local interactions at intermediate disorder strength, but provides evidence against the phenomelogical Griffith picture of rare, strongly disordered insulating regions. We generalize the latter to long-ranged interactions and show that it predicts to diffusion, in contrast to the local case where it results in subdiffusive behaviour.
Date January 2021
CreatorsKloss, Benedikt
Source SetsColumbia University
Detected LanguageEnglish

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