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The search for supersymmetry in particle physics

<p> Experimental high energy physics (HEP) techniques are applied to accurate simulated collider data in search for existence or exclusion of supersymmetric (SUSY) particles. Supersymmetry is a leading candidate to resolve the hierarchy problem in particle physics as well as offer a stable dark matter candidate. Techniques and practices are explored and applied to the leptonic decay process production followed by and where is the proton, is the chargino, , are neutralinos and , are the standard model W and Higgs Bosons respectively. Signal yields are in general agreement with other researchers and ranged from 0.5 to 62.6 events. Reduction in the background to signal ratio is demonstrated through isolating the SUSY process and applying theoretical knowledge of the signal and associated dominant backgrounds. Results from this study establish procedures for future work with actual data, offer a benchmark for this specific leptonic decay process and may motivate variable selection and cut criteria choices in future analysis of similar signal processes.</p>
Date08 April 2014
CreatorsPatrick, Richard J., II.
PublisherCalifornia State University, Long Beach
Detected LanguageEnglish

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