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Značaj karotidne endarterektomije kod asimptomatskih pacijenata sa nekompletnom kolateralizacijom unutar Vilisovog poligona / Significance of carotid endarterectomy in asymptomatic patients with incomplete collateralisation within circle of Willis

<p>UVOD: Vilisov poligon predstavlja najznačajniju rezervu kolateralnog protoka između ekstrakranijalnih arterija koje vaskularizuju mozak i ima sposobnost razvoja kolateranih puteva kod ekstrakranijalne karotidne bolesti. Ova anatomska struktura podložna je varijacijama koje uključuju i prekid kontinuiteta i nekompletnost kolateralizacije. CILJEVI: Cilj je bio da se utvrdi da li nekompletnost Vilisovog poligona utiče na če&scaron;će pojavljivanje neurolo&scaron;ke simptomatologije i ishemijske moždane lezije kod pacijenata sa ekstrakranijalnom karotidnom bolesti. Takođe cilj je bio i da se utvrdi da li cerebrovaskularna reaktivnost kod pacijenata sa asimptomatskom ekstrakranijalnom karotidnom bolesti zavisi od kompletosti Vilisovog poligona i na koji način hirur&scaron;ki tretman utiče na parametre cerebrovaskularne rezerve kod pacijenata sa kompletnim i nekompletnim Vilisovim poligonom. METOD: U retrospektivnoj studiji analiziran je nalaz MRA kod 211 pacijenata sa ekstrakranijalnom karotidnom bolesti i 102 pacijenta iz kontrolne grupe. U prospektivnoj studiji je kod 98 pacijenata sa asimptomatskom karotidnom bolesti pored MRA nalaza određivana cerebrovaskularna reaktivnost putem određivanja &bdquo;breath hold index&ldquo;-a (BHI) pre i nakon operativnog tretmana. REZULTATI: Nekompletan Vilisov poligon nađen je kod 25% asimptomatskih, 47,5% simptomatskih pacijenata sa karotidnom bolesti i kod 59% kontrolne grupe pacijenata, pri čemu su se razlike pokazale kao statistički značajne. Kod asimptomatskih pacijenata sa nekompletnim Vilisovim poligonom BHI preoperativno iznostio je 0,62 a postoperativno 1,01 na strani lezije. U slučaju nekompletnog Vilisovog poligona preoperativna vrednost BHI iznostila je 0,88 a postoperativna 1,09 na strani lezije. Razlike su se pokazale kao statistički značajne između grupa i pre i posle operativnog tretmana. Porast je bio statistički značajno izraženiji u grupi asimptomatskih pacijenata sa nekompletnim Vilisovim poligonom. Nisu zabeležene major operativne komplikacije (perioeprativni moždani udar,smrtni ishod) a na pojavu hiperperfuzionog sindroma najvi&scaron;e su uticali kompletnost Vilisovog poligona, vrednost BHI i preoperativni tretman hipertenzije. ZAKLJUČCI: Nekompletan Vilisov poligon predstavlja faktor rizika za pojavu neurolo&scaron;ke simptomatologije ili ishemijske moždane lezije kod pacijenata sa ekstrakranijalnom karotidnom bolesti. Kod asimptomatskih pacijenata nekompletan Vilisov pologon utiče na smanjenu cerebrovaskularnu reaktivnost i veći rizik od moždanog udara. Parametri cerebrovaskularne reaktivnosti signifikantno se pobolj&scaron;avaju nakon operativnog tretmana.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION: Circle of Willis is the most important reserve of collateral flow between the extracranial arteries that supply the brain and has the ability to develop collateral pathways in extracranial carotid disease. This anatomical structure is subject to variations which include a disruption in the continuity and incompleteness of collateralisation. OBJECTIVES: was to determine whether the incompleteness of the Circle of Willis is more often associated with neurological symptoms and ishemic cerebral lesions in patients with extracranial carotid artery disease. Also, the objective was to determine whether cerebrovascular reactivity in patients with asymptomatic extracranial carotid artery disease depends on the completeness Circle of Willis and how surgical treatment affects the parameters of cerebrovascular reserve in patients with complete and incomplete Circle of Willis. METHODS: This study analyzed the findings of MRA in 211 patients with extracranial carotid artery disease and 102 patients in the control group. In prospective study in 98 patients with asymptomatic carotid artery disease in addition to the MRA findings cerebrovascular reactivity was determined by determining the &quot;breath hold index&quot; -a (BHI) before and after surgical treatment. RESULTS: Incomplete Circle of Willis was found in 25% of asymptomatic, 47.5% of symptomatic patients with carotid artery disease, and 59% of the control group patients, where the difference proved to be statistically significant. In asymptomatic patients with incomplete Circle of Willis BHI values were 0.62 preoperatively and 1.01 postoperatively on the side of the lesion. In the case of incomplete Circle of Willis preoperative BHI values were 0.88 preopertively and 1.09 postoperatively in asymptomatic patients. The differences are shown to be statistically significant between the groups before and after surgical treatment. The increase was significantly more pronounced in the group of asymptomatic patients with incomplete Circle of Willis. There were not recorded major operative complications (perioeprativni stroke, mortality) and the occurrence hyperperfusion syndrome was most affected by completeness of the Circle of Willis, a value BHI and preoperative treatment of hypertension. CONCLUSIONS: Incomplete Circle of Willis is a risk factor for the occurrence of neurological symptoms or ischemic brain lesions in patients with extracranial carotid artery disease. In asymptomatic patients incomplete Circle of Willis affects the reduced cerebrovascular reactivity and a higher risk of stroke. The parameters of cerebrovascular reactivity significantly improved after surgical treatment.</p>
Date30 October 2015
CreatorsManojlović Vladimir
ContributorsPasternak Janko, Slankamenac Petar, Divjak Ivana, Marković Dragan, Popović Vladan, Nikolić Dragan, Till Viktor
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Medicinski fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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