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Publishing William Carlos Williams: selected correspondence

Publishing William Carlos Williams: Selected Correspondence is a critical edition of William Carlos Williams’ communication with The Four Seas Company, which records the publishing of Al Que Quiere! (1917), Kora in Hell: Improvisations (1920), and Sour Grapes (1921); Richard Johns on starting the “little magazine”, Pagany: A Native Quarterly, as well as Williams publishing his novel, White Mule (1937); and The Cummington Press, publishing The Wedge (1944), The Clouds: Aigeltinger, Russia, &c (1948), and negotiations for printing the long poem, “Two Pendants: For the Ears”. The letters are mostly unpublished and are here provided with contextual and textual notes, restoring material previously censored or otherwise omitted. A historical and literary engagement with American Modernist culture, this edition explores Williams creating a distinctive voice and identity for American poetry, alongside an exploration of twentieth-century publishing of books and journals. / 2025-11-30T00:00:00Z
Date13 November 2018
CreatorsGutierrez, Jeffrey Scott
ContributorsRicks, Christopher
Source SetsBoston University
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsThis work is being made available in OpenBU by permission of its author, and is available for research purposes only. All rights are reserved to the author. Portions of William Carlos Williams letters and works are protected under copyright, and are made available in OpenBU with permission from The Estate of Williams Carlos Williams. All rights reserved.

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