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Putevi izloženosti čoveka cijanotoksinima i njihov uticaj na zdravlje / Human exposure to cyanotoxins and their health effects

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Toksične cijanobakterije i cijanotoksini&nbsp; detektovani su&nbsp; u&nbsp; akumulacijama za<br />snabdevanje vodom za piće, rekreaciju, navodnjavanje i ribnjacima na teritoriji Srbije.<br />Cvetanje<em>&nbsp; Planktothrix rubescens&nbsp;</em> i mikrocistini su detektovani u jezeru Vrutci, akumulaciji za snabdevanje vodom za piće Užica, koja služi i u rekreativne svrhe. Izrazita toksičnost (<em>Artemia salina&nbsp; bioesej</em>) i visoke koncentracije mikrocistina&nbsp; (LC-MS/MS) su pronađene u biomasi iz jezera, a u&nbsp; jezerskoj i vodovodnoj vodi je&nbsp; detektovan dmMC-RR. Mikrocistini (MC-LR, MC-RR i njihove dimetilovane forme)&nbsp; su detektovani&nbsp; u tkivu ribe iz jezera Vrutci. Na osnovu&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; epidemiolo&scaron;kih podataka i rezultata sprovedenog upitnika iz Užica, mogu se pretpostaviti neki akutni negativni efekti cijanobakterija i cijanotoksina na ljude (stomačne tegobe, iritacije kože<br />i očiju, učestale glavobolje) i na druge izložene organizme (ribe, pse).<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; U Centralnoj Srbiji uočena je&nbsp; povezanost povećanih incidenci pojedinih kancera<br />(primarnog kancera jetre;&nbsp; mozga; srca, medijastinuma i plućne maramice; jajnika; testisa; želuca; kolorektuma; retroperitoneuma i peritoneuma; leukemija; i malignog melanoma kože) sa pojavom cvetanja u akumulacijama za vodosnabdevanje.&nbsp; U tri kritična okruga (Ni&scaron;avski, &Scaron;umadijski i Toplički) koja se snabdevaju vodom za piće iz akumulacija koje cvetaju&nbsp; incidence navedenih kancera su tokom desetogodi&scaron;njeg perioda bile znatno vi&scaron;e u poređenju sa ostatalim okruzima Centralne Srbije i Vojvodine.&nbsp; Takođe,&nbsp; tokom posmatranog perioda nije uočena korelacija između incidence primarnog kancera jetre i njegovih glavnih faktora rizika (ciroze jetre, HCV i HBV).&nbsp; Cijanotoksini mogu biti jedan od faktora rizika koji zajedno sa drugim faktorima deluju sinergistički i dovode do povećanja incidence pojedinih kancera.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; U&nbsp; kompleksu ribnjaka&nbsp; Vojvodine (13 analiziranih) tokom leta 2011. zabeleženo je<br />cvetanje, a u uzorcima&nbsp; vode su detektovani (ELISA) mikrocistin, nodularin (11 ribnjaka) i saksitoksin (5 ribnjaka). MC-RR je pronađen u četiri&nbsp; uzorka&nbsp; mi&scaron;ićnog tkiva &scaron;arana (<em>Cyprinus carpio)</em>&nbsp; iz&nbsp; ovih&nbsp; ribnjaka. Uočene su i histopatolo&scaron;ke promene na organima (creva, jetra, bubrezi,&nbsp; &scaron;krge i mi&scaron;ići) ribe gajene u ribnjacima koji su cvetali.&nbsp; Posmatrani negativni efekti i akumulacija cijanotoksina u tkivima riba ukazuju da cvetanje cijanobakterija u ribnjacima može da utiče na kvalitet ribe, ali i potencijalno na zdravlje potro&scaron;ača.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; Do&nbsp; masivnog pomora ribe do&scaron;lo je u Aleksandrovačkom jezeru&nbsp; gde je cvetao <em>Cylindrospermopsis raciborski</em>i. <em>Artemia salin</em>a test ukazao je na prisustvo toksičnih jedinjenja u cijanobakterijskim ćelijama, međutim&nbsp; mikrocistini, cilidrospermopsin i saksitoksin nisu detektovani. Postoji mogućnost da je neki drugi, neidentifikovani ili nepoznati cijanobakterijski metabolit&nbsp; doveo do uginuća ribe u akumulaciji koja se koristi za navodnjavanje.&nbsp; Cijanotoksini mogu da se akumuliraju u plodovima biljaka koje se zalivaju kontaminiranom vodom u kojoj se nalaze cijanotoksini.&nbsp; Nakon tromesečnog zalivanja paprika (<em>Capsicum anuum)</em>&nbsp; sa ekstraktom&nbsp;<em> Microcystis&nbsp; aeruginosa</em>&nbsp; PCC&nbsp; 7806, mikrocistini su&nbsp;&nbsp; detektovani u plodu paprike. Mikrocistini su&nbsp; indukovali oksidativni stres kod eksperimentalne&nbsp; biljke i u velikoj meri uticali na smanjenje njene antioksidantne sposobnosti. Zalivanje biljaka, koje se koriste u ljudskoj ishrani, sa kontaminiranom vodom usled cvetanja, može da ima&nbsp;&nbsp; negativne efekte na biljke ali potencialno i ljude koji ih konzumiraju.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; Mikrocistini (MC-LR i dmMC-LR) su detektovani u dva testirana suplementa na bazi<br />cijanobakterija koji se prodaju na na&scaron;em trži&scaron;tu,&nbsp; u koncentracijama koje prevazilaze<br />preporučene&nbsp; granične vrednosti. Dugotrajna upotreba ovih preparata u velikim&nbsp; količinama, može da predstavlja rizik po ljudsko zdravlje.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; Na osnovu dobijenih podataka za teritoriju Republike Srbije, ljudi mogu&nbsp; na različite<br />načine&nbsp; da budu izloženi cijanobakterijama i njihovim toksičnim metabolitima i da usled toga imaju zdravstvene posledice, iz tog razloga treba uvesti kontrolu&nbsp; cijanobakterija i cijanotoksina u vodi, hrani i suplementima.</p> / null / <p>Toxic cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins were detected in reservoirs for drinking water supply, recreation, irrigation and fishponds on the territory of Serbia. Following blooming of <em>Planktothrix rubescens&nbsp;</em> microcystins were detected in the lake Vrutci, the reservoir for drinking&nbsp; water supply of Užice, which is&nbsp; also&nbsp; used fore recreational purposes. Pronounced&nbsp;&nbsp; toxicity (<em>Artemia salina&nbsp;</em>bioassay) and high concentrations of microcystins (LC-MS/MS) were found in biomass,&nbsp; while&nbsp; in the lake and tap water dmMC-RR was detected. MC-LR, MC-RR and their dimethylated forms were detected in fish tissue from lake Vrutci. On the basis of epidemiological data and the results&nbsp; of questionnaire conducted in Užice, some&nbsp; acute adverse effects of cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins on people (abdominal problems, skin and eye irritation, frequent headaches), and the other exposed organisms (fish, dogs) could be assumed.</p><p>&nbsp; &nbsp;In Central Serbia correlation between blooming in reservoirs&nbsp; for water supply and increased incidence of certain cancers (primary liver cancer; brain;&nbsp; heart, mediastinum and pleura; ovary; testis; stomach; colorectum;&nbsp; retroperitoneum and peritoneum; leukemia; and malignant melanoma of skin) was observed. During the&nbsp; ten-year period in three critical districts (Ni&scaron;avski, &Scaron;umadijski and Toplički), which are supplied with drinking water from blooming reservoirs, the incidence of mentioned cancers were significantly higher compared with remaining districts of Central Serbia and Vojvodina. In addition, during this period correlation between the incidence of primary liver cancer and its major risk factors (liver cirrhosis, HCV and HBV) was not observed. Accordingly, cyanotoxins may be one of the risk factors that, together with other factors act synergistically and lead to increased incidence of certain cancers.</p><p>In the summer of 2011,&nbsp; complex of&nbsp; fishponds in Vojvodina (13 analyzed) was blooming, and in water samples microcystin, nodularin (11 ponds) and saxitoxin (5 ponds) were detected (ELISA). MC-RR was found in four samples&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; carp <em>(Cyprinus carpio</em>)&nbsp; muscle tissue&nbsp; from&nbsp; investigated&nbsp; fishponds. Histopathological changes in organs (intestines, liver, kidneys, gills and muscles) of fish grown in blooming ponds were also observed. The observed negative effects and cyanotoxin accumulation in fish,&nbsp; suggest that blooming of cyanobacteria in fishponds may affect the quality of the fish, but also potentially the health of consumers.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp; A massive fish kill occurred in Aleksandrovac lake, where&nbsp;<em> Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii</em>&nbsp; bloomed.&nbsp; <em>Artemia salina</em>&nbsp; test indicated the presence of toxic compounds in a cyanobacterial cells, however microcystins, cilidrospermopsin and saxitoxin were not detected.&nbsp; There is a possibility that another, unidentified or unknown cyanobacterial metabolite&nbsp; led to fish&nbsp; mortality&nbsp; in this&nbsp; reservoir used for irrigation. Cyanotoxins may accumulate in the fruits of plants that are irigated with contaminated water containing cyanotoxins. After watering pepper <em>(Capsicum anuum</em>)&nbsp; for three-months with extract of&nbsp; <em>Microcystis aeruginosa</em>&nbsp; PCC 7806, microcystins were detected in fruit. Microcystin induced oxidative stress in experimental plants and influenced the reduction of its antioxidant capabilities.&nbsp; Irigation of plants&nbsp; used for human nutrition, with contaminated water due to blooming, can have negative effects on plants and potentially humans who consume them.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Microcystins (MC-LR and dmMC-LR) were&nbsp; also&nbsp; detected in the two tested cyanobacterial supplements&nbsp; from&nbsp; Serbian market,&nbsp; in concentrations that exceed the recommended guideline values. Therefore, long-term use of these products in large quantities, may present a risk to human health.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Based&nbsp; on the obtained data&nbsp; on&nbsp; the territory of the Republic of Serbia, people can&nbsp; in various ways,&nbsp; be exposed to cyanobacteria and their toxic metabolites,&nbsp; and as a consequence can&nbsp; have health problems, thus&nbsp; presence of cyanobacteria and&nbsp; cyanotoxins in water, food and supplements should be controlled.</p>
Date29 September 2015
CreatorsDrobac Damjana
ContributorsSvirčev Zorica, Simeunović Jelica, Stokić Edita
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageUnknown
TypePhD thesis

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