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魏晉南北朝撰文家訓之研究= A study of textual family-instructions of Wei, Jin and North-South dynasties

本文旨在探討魏晉南北朝撰文家訓的興盛原委及發展現象。所謂撰文家訓 ,是指在具有血源或養子關係的家庭中,由長輩、族長和尊者,對晚輩、族人 及卑者布施的文字訓誡。   較諸前代,魏晉南北朝撰文家訓不但數量大增,而且篇幅內容的深、廣度也 有顯著躍進,因此學界普遍認同魏晉南北朝是家訓趨向成熟的過渡期。本文關 注的問題是:為什麼撰文家訓會在漢魏之際大量出現?而這時的家訓在內容、 撰作形式上,跟前代的作品有何分別?甚或以同時代的作品比較,不同氏族創 作的家訓在命題上存在什麼異同?以及這些特徵與差異是受到什麼因素影響而 產生的?   本文嘗試以家族為研究單位,著重分析十五支具有家訓傳承現象的氏族的 撰文家訓內涵,務求找出該家族的價值取向,挖掘家訓這種為導引家族發展方 針而出現的實用文體之精神。其次,對於部分以單篇形式流傳的家訓,本文也 會將之聯繫至政治、社會的層面,考查政治氛圍、知識分子的心態和社會地位 差距,跟家訓發展的交互影響。冀能完整呈現出魏晉南北朝家訓發展的畫面。 本論文共分六章:除第一章緒論及第六章總結外,正文部分共有四章。第 二章主要疏理前人對撰文家訓定義理解的分歧,以明確研究範圍與材料對象。 第三章從史學的角度,追溯家訓文學之由來,了解其在先秦至兩漢時之遞變, 並嘗試探析魏晉家訓作品大量湧現的原因。第四章、五章則以家訓作品本身作 為考察的對象,分析當時不同地域及氏族的家訓內容特色,並會比對家訓出現 歧異的原因,外在環境因素與家訓發展的交互影響,藉此了解家訓作品中慣常 出現內容的精神基點所在。 Abstract This thesis examines the reasons of mass production and the development of textual family-instructions during Wei, Jin & the North-South Dynasties. Textual family- instructions, refers to “A written reprimand issued by the elders or chiefs whom have blood or adoption relationship with the younger. - 2 -  Compared to the previous dynasties, textual family-instructions appeared in Wei, Jin & the North-South Dynasties not only increased in number, but the depth and breadth were also enhanced. Therefore, scholars generally agree that this is a transition period for family-instructions. This phenomenon led me to ponder upon a number of issues: Why did the numbers of family-instructions grow rapidly between the age of Han and the Wei Dynasty? Are there any differences in comparing a family-instruction in Wei, Jin & the North-South as well as in the previous Dynasties? By comparing with the contemporary works, what are the similarities and differences among them? What are the factors causing the differences and similarities? In order to approach the topic in a holistic way, this study not only explores the contents of each single family-instruction, but also reviews all works from the same clan. I sort out fifteen clans which emphasized on family-instruction heritage, so that the core values and development policy of the whole clan could be clearly observed. For those single-piece family-instruction, would be observed together with the political and social context. Therefore, through the study of the political climate, the mentality of intellectuals, disparities status in the society, the result of family- instruction development could be achieved in a more comprehensive way. This thesis contains six chapters. Chapter I is “Introduction and Chapter VI “Conclusion. Chapter II gives definition of textual family-instruction, which clarifies the scope of the study. Chapter III is written from the perspective of history, tracing the origin, understanding of the transitions, also the reasons of recruiting mass production of family-instruction during Wei, Jin & the North-South Dynasties. Chapter IV & V analyze the features of family-instruction by different clans, and find out the reasons for discrepancy. Also, the external factors influencing the contents of family-instruction will also be investigated.
Date24 July 2015
PublisherHKBU Institutional Repository
Source SetsHong Kong Baptist University
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceOpen Access Theses and Dissertations
RightsThe author retains all rights to this work. The author has signed an agreement granting HKBU a non-exclusive license to archive and distribute their thesis.

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