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Effect of nominal convergence criteria on real side of economy in DSGE models

In this thesis we analyse a problem of the real economic adjustment between two countries, one of which is an emerging market and the other is a developed economy. When they form a monetary union the only possible adjustment to asymmetric shocks transmitted internationally is through the real variables. We take into account existing asymmetries in the foreign direct investment (FDI) intensity and FDI relations. The issues of FDI and differences in the FDI intensity are real aspects of functioning of economies and relations between them. They reveal some problem from the macroeconomic perspective. However, the problem relates also to microeconomic foundations. The given trade and FDI relations between countries depend on decisions of firms that are heterogeneous. To study the effect of plant delocalization and FDI on output fluctuations between two countries we use a framework that accounts for all this issues, that means dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models with heterogeneity in firm productivity. We add a new dimension to the existing literature on DSGE models with heterogeneous firms. First, we complete goods market with a new segment of production, namely products offered by multinationals which produce abroad and export back to their economy of origin. Second, we account for asymmetries in the FDI intensity and differences in production structures that occur between two economies forming a monetary union. Summing things up, the analysis allows us to state that the real aspects of economy functioning, such as trade connections between countries and differences in production structures, determine economic performance and behaviour of economies in terms of output fluctuations.
Date07 June 2013
CreatorsSobczak, Karolina
PublisherUniversité Rennes 1
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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