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Estudi lingüístic, literari i textual de la poesia de Vicent Andrés Estellés en un marc d'interessos traductològics i didàctics

After the many existing studies about the poetry of Vicent Andrés Estellés, it is now considered the convenience to carry out a systematic study about Estellés' poetical style with the support of some Corpus Linguistics' techniques. The main aim of this new study, over some topics that have been already analysed (but always from a partial point of view), is to provide the research with a new perspective and to suggest new thoughts over the studied question.
Moreover, with this research, we would also like to contribute with the proposal of a model grid to analyse the style of literary texts. There is also a need to propose a reasonable and optimal use of Corpus Linguistics' tools to the analysis of the style in literary texts. Putting it all together, we have tried to design an adequate system to co-ordinately use both the pragmastylistical analysis and the Corpus Linguistics' tools.
To carry out this research, it was necessary to count on the whole poetry written by Estellés which has been published in a digital format. Equally, there was a need of collecting the whole Estellés' complete poetry work to publish his Nova edició revisada in 2014 by Tres i Quatre publishing house.
So, there was a need of deepen the knowledge, the categorisation and the analysis of the Estellés' poetical style. Similarly, the review of his poetry's translation has been also useful in the same way. In addition, these analyses have provided new possibilities of using Estellés' poetry in education.
All in all, this PhD research offers some new contributions in three ways: the knowledge of poetical style, the translations of his poetry, and the applications of Vicent Andrés Estellés' poetry in teaching, and above all, to review the place of poetry in education.


1.1. Hypothesis.
This research stems from the following hypothesis:
- The examination of the functional language variation in the poems contributed to the interpretation of the literary work and the role of the author in the history of the relevant literature.
- The tools of Corpus Linguistics (CL), applied from the perspective of the theoretical and methodological pragmatics of style, can help to improve the understanding of an author's style and his work.

- The analysis of a poet's translated texts can lead to a better understanding of his writing style.
- The analysis of a poet's translated texts can help future translators in the work of translating his writings.
- The analysis of a poet's translated texts can be positive for educational purposes.
- The better understanding over the style of a poet, the better educational uses of this poetry could be carried out.
- CL applied to small literary corpora may have educational applications.
- Poetry offers invaluable and diverse educational applications, the limits of which are yet to be explored and exploited.

All these assumptions are general in scope, but in this PhD dissertation have been specifically applied to the poetry of Vicent Andrés Estellés.

1.2. Objectives

Objectives of Chapter 2: pragmatics of style

- To digitalise the poetry of Vicent Andrés Estellés.
- To progress in the knowledge of the style of Vicent Andrés Estellés' poetical works.
- To provide a model for the analysis of the style in literary texts in Catalan, with the help of CL technology as a methodological support.
- To know and put into practice possible options of Corpus Linguistics tools for stylistic analysis of literary texts, as well as its limitations.

Objectives of Chapter 3: translation

- To make progress on the study of translations of Estellés' poems into Spanish (and, in part, into other languages such as French and English).
- To provide guidance on some possible translating problems that the translator of Estellés might have to deal with. Those problems could be due to two reasons: either structural differences between both languages or some specificities of Estellés' poetical style.
- To provide useful guidelines for the translation of poetry in general.

Objectives of Chapter 4: educational applications

- To analyse the educational applications of the poetry of Estellés that already exist.
- To provide new educational applications based on the deeper knowledge of the work of this poet.
- To think about the potentialities of poetry in education, from a more general point of view.

1.3. Methodology
This PhD dissertation combines the use of several methods, which vary in each of the three analytical blocks into which it is divided (chapters two, three and four). In the second chapter, focusing on the pragmastylistical analysis, there is the use of Corpus Linguistics techniques applied in those parts of the analytical scheme in which we have considered the need of a specific quantitative or statistical analysis, to optimise the chances of the subsequent qualitative analysis. In point 2.1.1, we describe the specific theoretical framework that underlies our pragmastylistical analysis: specifically, our approaches into phraseology, metaphor and intertextuality. The aim of this definition of concepts is to avoid interpretative inaccuracies in our analysis. Aspects relating to CL are specified in point 2.1.3.
In the third chapter, focused on the analysis of translations, we have used the same conceptual apparatus that is synthesized in pragmastylistics (see 2.1.1), all complemented by the theoretical perspectives in the field of literary translation, duly entered in point 3.1.4. Again, in this section, CL is present, in the sense that the original and translated texts have been digitised and confronted verse to verse for their comparative analysis, using the group IVITRA's tools designed for this purpose.
The fourth chapter is dedicated to educational purposes of Estellés' poetry, from a heterogeneous point of view regarding the methodology. There is a combination of the socioconstructivist, multilingual and multidisciplinary learning conceptions, which will be defined precisely in point 4.1.1. All in all, we propose the design and implementation of a series of educational activities by using the multiple-sided poetry of Vicent Andrés Estellés, after having evaluated their potential as well as their educational limitations.
Date09 February 2015
CreatorsMonferrer Palmer, Aina
ContributorsSalvador Liern, Vicent, Universitat Jaume I. Departament de Filologia i Cultures Europees
PublisherUniversitat Jaume I
Source SetsUniversitat Jaume I
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Format697 p., application/pdf
SourceTDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
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