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Assessment of the practice and potential of industrial solid waste minimisation : case study of Stellenbosch

Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There is increasing pressure on factories and government to practise cleaner technology.
The public is becoming more and more environmentally aware and external pressure
from international competitors is also forcing companies to adopt environmentally sound
production practices. Our natural resources and the environment need environmentally
friendly practices. Waste minimisation is not only prudent practice for manufacturing
industries, but is also an integral part of environmental regulations in many countries,
including South Africa. This research seeks to investigate the extent and potential for
industrial waste minimisation in Stellenbosch.
The objectives of this thesis are, firstly to establish and evaluate the present range and
extent of industrial solid waste minimisation practices; secondly to identify and evaluate
potential industrial solid waste minimisation measures that could (if necessary) be
instituted in future; and finally to propose a general strategy for the minimisation of
industrial solid waste in Stellenbosch.
The findings reflect that currently there is little waste minimisation awareness and
practice in Stellenbosch. The most common method of waste minimisation currently
practised by industries is recycling through the selling of recyclables. The least common
method is the equipment-related change method, due to the high costs involved in
adopting this method. Based on the findings, a suitable regional waste management
strategy was developed and this strategy could possibly be adopted elsewhere in South
Key words: waste minimisation, waste management, re-use, recycling, factory,
environment, practice, participation, cleaner technology, awareness, Stellenbosch / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is toenemende druk op fabrieke sowel as op die regering om skoner tegnologie te
beoefen. Die publiek raak ook toenemend meer omgewingsbewus en druk vanaf die kant
van internasionale mededingers forseer maatskappye om praktyke in te stel wat gunstig is
ten optigte van die omgewing. Ons natuurlike hulpbronne en die omgewing benodig
omgewingsvriendelike vervaardigingspraktyke. Die beperking van afvalstowwe is nie net
vir die fabriekswese 'n wyse praktyk nie, maar maak ook in vele lande, met inbegrip van
Suid-Afrika, 'n integrale deel uit van regulasies met betrekking tot die omgewing.
Hierdie navorsingsprojek poog om die omvang en potensiaal van beperking van
afvalstowwe in Stellenbosch te ondersoek. Die doelwitte van die ondersoek is eertens om
ondersoek in te stel na die huidige reikwydte en omvang van praktyke om vaste
industriële afvalstowwe te beperk en dit te evalueer; tweedens om potensiële industriële
vaste afvalstofbeperkingsmaatreëls wat, indien nodig, in die toekoms ingestel sou kon
word, te indentifiseer en te evalueer; en dan uiteindelik 'n algemene strategie vir die
beperking van vaste industriële afvalstowwe in Stellenbosch voor te stel.
Die bevindings in hierdie tesis bewys dat daar tans gennge bewustheid van die
noodaaklikheid van afvalstofbeperking in Stellenbosch is en dat dit ewe min in die
praktyk toegepas word. Die mees algemene vorm van beperking van afvalstowwe in die
fabriekswese is deur middel van verkoop van herwinbare afvalstowwe. Die mins
algemene vorm van beperking van afvalstowwe hou verband met die vervanging van
toerusting. Die rede hiervoor het te doen met die koste verbonde aan die strategie.
Vanuit hierdie bevindings is toepaslike strategie vir die bestuur van afvalstowwe op
streeksvlak ontwikkel. Hierdie strategie sou moontlik ook elders in Suid-Afrika toegepas
kon word.
Sleutelwoorde: beperking van afvalstowwe, afvalstofbestuur, hergebruik, herwinning,
fabriek, omgewing, praktyk, deelname, skoner tegnologie, bewustheid, Stellenbosch
Date04 1900
CreatorsSemoli, Belemane Petrose
ContributorsDe Necker, P. H., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Geography and Environmental Studies.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format80 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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