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Resilience in families in which a parent has been retrenched

Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Family Resilience is a relatively new construct describing how families recover after
experiencing stress and adversity. Defined within the salutogenic paradigm, resilience
implies the ability to bounce back after being "stretched" or challenged, as well as being
able to rise above adversity and to survive stress. Using a cross-sectional, survey
research design the present study aimed to further explore and explicate those resiliency
factors which enable families to maintain established patterns of functioning when
threatened by risk factors. It also aimed to examine those recovery factors which foster
the families ability to bounce back from crisis and disruption. Teachers who had accepted
the voluntary severance package from the South African Department of Education
between 1996 and 1998 were approached to take part in this study on behalf of their
family. Thirty participants completed a biographical questionnaire as well as the Family
Index of Regenerativity and Adaptation (FIRA-G) which measures the major components
of the Resiliency Model of Family Stress, Adjustment and Adaptation (McCubbin &
Thompson, 1991). Results confirmed the relationship between family stressors, family
strains and family distress, implying that if stressors and strains are not managed, they
pile up, deplete resources and lead to family tension and stress (Lavee, McCubbin &
Patterson, 1985; Lavee et al. 1987; McCubbin & Patterson, 1983). Results also
highlighted the protective nature of good financial management, suggesting that there are
measurable factors which act as crisis-meeting resources, diminish the negative impact
and degree of the stressor and ultimately foster resilience and facilitate recovery. Finally,
social support was highlighted as a resilience variable. Family schema (encompassing
concepts of reframing and spiritual support) remains one of the crucial factors which
contributes towards, firstly, the resistance of decay in the face of stressors, and secondly,
which facilitates the recovery trajectory. It is maintained that this could be one of the most
crucial factors for ongoing investigation in resiliency research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gesinsveerkragtigheid ("resilience") is 'n relatiewe nuwe konstruk wat verwys na gesinne
se vermoë om te herstel nadat hulle spanning en terugslae ervaar het. Dit word beskryf
vanuit die salutogenese paradigma en word gedefinieer as gesinne se vermoë om terug
te bons nadat hulle teenspoed ervaar het. 'n Dwarsnit navorsingsontwerp is gebruik om
die twee aspekte van gesinsveerkragtigheid, naamlik weerstand en herstel, te ondersoek
en te beskryf. Weerstandsfaktore verwys na dié faktore wat gesinne in staat stelom
gevestigde patrone van funksionering, tydens bedreiging deur risiko-faktore, te handhaaf,
terwyl herstel-faktore verwys na dié faktore wat gesinne se vermoë om terug te bons na 'n
krisis, bevorder. Onderwysers wat tussen 1996 en 1998 die vrywillige uittredingspakket
van die Departement van Onderwys aanvaar het, is genader om namens hul gesinne deel
te neem aan hierdie ondersoek. Dertig deelnemers het 'n biografiese vraelys sowel as die
"Family Index of Regenerativity and Adaptation" (FIRA-G) voltooi. Die FIRA-G vraelyste
meet die hoofkomponente van die "Resiliency Model of Family Stress, Adjustment and
Adaptation" (McCubbin & Thompson, 1991 ). Resultate het die verband tussen
gesinstressors, gesinspanning en gesinsnood bevestig, met die implikasie dat indien 'n
opeenhoping van stressors en spanning nie hanteer word nie, gesinshulpbronne uitgeput
word en dat dit tot gesinspanning en stres kan lei. Die beskermende aard van goeie
finansiële bestuur is bevestig. Sosiale ondersteuning is geïdentifiseer as 'n belangrike
faktor in gesinsweerstand. Gesinskemas, wat herformulering en geestelike ondersteuning
insluit, blyk 'n deurslaggewende gesinsveerkragtige faktor te wees en behoort in die
toekoms verder ondersoek te word.
Date12 1900
CreatorsDer Kinderen, Susan
ContributorsGreeff, A. P., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Psychology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format35 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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