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Izučavanje intermedijera u fermentaciji rafinoze i melibioze kvascima / STUDY OF INTERMEDIATE COMPOUND INYEAST FERMENTATION OF RAFFINOSE AND MELIBIOSE

<p><strong>Apstrakt je obrađen tehnologijama za optičko prepoznavanje teksta (OCR).</strong></p><p>Analizom podloge iz standardizovanog fiziolo&scaron;kog testa fermentacije rafinoze<br />primenom HPTLC metode, utvrđeno je da se u podlozi javlja jedinjenje sa<br />retencijom većom od rafinoze, dok svi konstituenti rafinoze imaju manju retenciju.<br />Za nastajanje takvog jedinjenja tokom testa fermentacije rafinoze i njenih<br />konstituenata kvascima nije bilo literatume potvrde.<br />Ispitivano je kod kojih kvasaca i kod fermentacije kojih ugljenih hidrata se u<br />podlozi javlja ispitivano jedinjenje. Zatim je ispitivana veza određenih parametara<br />procesa fermentacije sa nastajanjem zapaženog jedinjenja. Pored toga, ispitivanom<br />jedinjenju su, nakon izolovanja iz fermentacione podloge i preči&scaron;ćavanja radi<br />dobijanja čiste supstance, određeni neki elementi strukture.<br />Utvrđeno je da se samo kod kvasaca koji imaju fiziolo&scaron;ko svojstvo fermentacije<br />celog molekula rafinoze i svojstvo fermentacije melibioze tokom procesa<br />javlja ispitivano jedinjenje i da je ono intermedijer metabolizma. Činioci značajni<br />za proces fermentacije - inokulum (količina i podloge za njegovu pripremu),<br />sastav podloge (sadržaj rafinoze i melibioze, kao i različiti izvori azota) i uslovi<br />gajenja, varirani u odnosu na standardizovani fiziolo&scaron;ki test fermentacije, ne<br />prouzrokuju promenu kvalitativnog sastava jedinjenja u podlozi tokom fermentacije<br />rafinoze i melibioze. Dakle, ispitani intermedijer je uvek prisutan u podlozi.<br />Na povećanje njegovog sadržaja u podlozi utiče dodatak galaktoze tokom fermentacije<br />rafinoze. Najveća koncentracija ispitivanog intermedijera (0,87 mg/ml) je<br />trećeg dana fermentacije melibioze, odnosno drugog dana fermentacije rafinoze<br />(1,48 mg/ml). Sadržaj ispitivanog intermedijera na kraju procesa fermentacije<br />rafinoze je 6 puta veći nego kod melibioze (1,04 prema 0,17 mg/ml). Ispitivani<br />intermedijer je redukujući ugljeni hidrat molekulske mase 504 &scaron;to odgovara<br />trisaharidima. Konstituenti ovog jedinjenja su glukoza i galaktoza koje su povezane<br />najverovatnije a-tipom veze.</p> / <p><strong>Abstract was processed by technology for Optical character recognition (OCR).</strong></p><p>Analyzing the media from standardized physiological test for raffinose fermentation<br />by means of HPTLC method, the appearance of a compound was registered<br />with retention higher than that of raffinose or its constituents indicating also<br />smaller retentions. No literature data were found for the formation of such a<br />compound during fermentation tests for raffinose and its constituents.<br />It was investigated which yeast will indicate formation of the investigated<br />compound in the course of fermentation as well as which carbohydrate during its<br />fermentation will indicate the presence of this compound. Further investigation<br />included correlation of particular parameters known as significant for the process<br />of fermentation, with the appearance of the noticed compound. Moreover, some<br />structural elements were also determined for the investigated compound, after<br />isolation from fermentation media and purification in order to obtain pure<br />substance.<br />It was proved that the investigated compound appeared just with the yeasts<br />physiologically characterized by fermentation of entire molecule of raffinose as<br />well as melibiose in the course of fermentation. Ibis compound proved to be an<br />intermediate compound of metabolism. Parameters significant for the process of<br />fermentation - inoculum (size and media for its growth), media composition<br />(content of raffinose and melibiose as different nitrogen source) and the condition<br />of incubation, exchanged from the standardized physiological test of fermentation,<br />didn&#39;t change qualitatively the compound composition in the media during<br />raffinose and melibiose fermentation. Therefore, it is obvious that the investigated<br />intermediate compound was present constantly in the media. Its content is<br />effected by the addition of galactose in the course of raffinose fermentation. The<br />highest concentration (0.87 mg/ml) of the investigated compound was registered<br />on the third day of melibiose fermentation, i.e. the second day of raffinose<br />fermentation (1.48 mg/ml). Content of the investigated intermediate compound<br />at the end of raffinose fermentation was six limes higher than of melibiose (1.04<br />in relation to 0.17 mg/ml). The investigated intermediate compound proved to be<br />the reduced carbohydrate with molecular mass of 504 corresponding to trisaccharides.<br />Constituents of this compound, glucose and galactose are probably connected<br />by a-type of bonds.</p>
Date26 December 1996
CreatorsMarkov Siniša
ContributorsPejin Dušanka, Jakovljević Jovan, Stojanović Milorad, Peričin Draginja
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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