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Study of the dynamics of conductive fluids in the presence of localised magnetic fields. Application to the "Lorentz Force Flowmeter".

When an electrically conducting fluid moves through a magnetic field, fluid mechanics and electromagnetism are coupled.
This interaction is the object of magnetohydrodynamics, a discipline which covers a wide range of applications, from electromagnetic processing to plasma- and astro-physics.
In this dissertation, the attention is restricted to turbulent liquid metal flows, typically encountered in steel and aluminium industries. Velocity measurements in such flows are extremely challenging because liquid metals are opaque, hot and often corrosive. Therefore, non-intrusive measurement devices are essential. One of them is the Lorentz force flowmeter. Its working principle is based on the generation of a force acting on a charge, which moves in a magnetic field. Recent studies have demonstrated that this technique can measure efficiently the mean velocity of a liquid metal. In the existing devices, however, the measurement depends on the electrical conductivity of the fluid.
In this work, a novel version of this technique is developed in order to obtain measurements that are independent of the electrical conductivity. This is particularly appealing for metallurgical applications, where the conductivity often fluctuates in time and space. The study is entirely numerical and uses a flexible computational method, suitable for industrial flows. In this framework, the cost of numerical simulations increases drastically with the level of turbulence and the geometry complexity. Therefore, the simulations are commonly unresolved. Large eddy simulations are then very promising, since they introduce a subgrid model to mimic the dynamics of the unresolved turbulent eddies.
The first part of this dissertation focuses on the quality and reliability of unresolved numerical simulations. The attention is drawn on the ambiguity that may arise when interpretating the results. Owing to coarse resolutions, numerical errors affect the performances of the discrete model, which in turn looses its physical meaning. In this work, a novel implementation of the turbulent strain rate appearing in the models is proposed. As opposed to its usual discretisation, the present strain rate is in accordance with the discrete equations of motion. Two types of flow are considered: decaying turbulence located far from boundaries, and turbulent flows between two parallel and infinite walls. Particular attention is given to the balance of resolved kinetic energy, in order to assess the role of the model.
The second part of this dissertation deals with a novel version of Lorentz force flowmeters, consisting in one or two coils placed around a circular pipe. The forces acting on each coil are recorded in time as the liquid metal flows through the pipe. It is highlighted that the auto- or cross-correlation of these forces can be used to determine the flowrate. The reliability of the flowmeter is first investigated with a synthetic velocity profile associated to a single vortex ring, which is convected at a constant speed. This configuration is similar to the movement of a solid rod and enables a simple analysis of the flowmeter. Then, the flowmeter is applied to a realistic three-dimensional turbulent flow. In both cases, the influence of the geometrical parameters of the coils is systematically assessed.
Date02 September 2010
CreatorsViré, Axelle
ContributorsKnaepen, Bernard, Degrez, Gérard, Thess, André, Kozyreff, Grégory, Carati, Daniele, Grégoire Winckelmans
PublisherUniversite Libre de Bruxelles
Source SetsBibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique
Detected LanguageEnglish
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