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Računarska simulacija i analiza novih oblika mernih blendi / Computer simulation and analysis of new forms orifice plates

<p>U mnogim granama tehnike javljaju se problemi<br />merenja protoka fluida. Merne blende, zbog svojih<br />mnogih prednosti predstavljaju najzastupljeniji<br />instrument za merenje protoka fluida kroz cevovode. Sa<br />druge strane njihova upotreba povećava tro&scaron;kove rada<br />industrijskih postrojenja. Jedan od ciljeva ove<br />doktorske disertacije bio je ispitivanje novih oblika<br />mernih blendi u cilju u&scaron;tede energije pri njihovom radu.<br />U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji predložen je algoritam<br />ispitivanja novih oblika mernih blendi. Takođe je<br />konstruisana i izrađena laboratorijska aparatura za<br />njihovo ispitivanje kao i diferncijalni &quot;U&quot; manometar<br />za merenje malih razlika pritisaka. U okviru ove<br />doktorske disertacije dizajnirana su i ispitana tri nova<br />oblika mernih blendi. U&scaron;teda energije je postignuta<br />dizajnom koji smanjuje otpor merne blende kao<br />elementa cevovoda. Novi oblici mernih blendi, kao i<br />jedna standardnog oblika koja je poslužila kao<br />referentna, ispitani su prema predloženom algoritmu. U<br />prvom koraku merne blende su dizajnirane u<br />programskom paketu Solid Works. Zatim su, prema<br />predloženom algoritmu, ispitane pomoću računarske simulacije u programskom paketu COMSOL Multiphysics. Po dobijanju zadovoljavajućih rezultata računarske simulacije, merne blende su izrađene na 3D &scaron;tampaču, FDM postupkom i ispitane na laboratorijskoj aparaturi. Rezultati laboratorijskih ispitivanja su upoređeni sa rezultatima računarske simulacije. Upoređeni rezultati računarske simulacije i laboratorijskih ispitivanja su pokazali da je računarska simulacija dobro opisivala situaciju. Rezultati laboratorijskog ispitivanja su pokazali znatan efekat u&scaron;tede energije. Takođe je utvrđeno da se pomoću računarske simulacije mogu dobiti podaci na osnovu kojih se može doneti odluka da li novi oblik merne blende treba korigovati ili ima smisla pristupiti laboratorijskom ispitivanju. Algoritam ispitivanja koji je predložen u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji se pokazao efikasnim.</p><p>&nbsp;</p> / <p>In many domains of technology, there are problems<br />with the measurement of fluid flow. Orifice plates,<br />because of their many advantages, represent the most<br />common instrument for measuring fluid flow through<br />pipelines. On the other hand, their use increases the<br />operating cost of industrial plants. One of the goals of<br />this doctoral dissertation was to test new forms of<br />orifice plates for a reason to save energy during their<br />work. An algorithm for testing new forms of orifice<br />plates is proposed. Also, the laboratory equipment for<br />testing them was designed and made, as well as a<br />differential &quot;U&quot; manometer for measuring small<br />pressure differences. As part of this doctoral<br />dissertation are designed and tested three new forms of<br />orifice plates. Energy-saving was achieved by a design<br />that reduces the resistance of the orifice plate as an<br />element of the pipeline. New forms of orifice plates, as well as a standard shape, which served as a reference, were tested according to the present algorithm. In the first step, orifice plates are designed in the Solid Works software package. Then, according to the proposed algorithm, they were tested using computer simulation in COMSOL Multiphysics software package. After achieving satisfactory results of computer simulation, orifice plates are made on a 3D printer, using the FDM process and tested in the laboratory apparatus. The results of laboratory tests were compared with the results of computer simulations. Compared results of computer simulation and laboratory testing showed that computer simulation described the situation well. The results of the laboratory test showed a significant energy-saving effect. It was also found that computer simulation can obtain data that can decide whether a new form of orifice plate must be corrected or it makes sense to access laboratory testing. The algorithm proposed in this doctoral dissertation has proven effective.</p>
Date12 August 2020
CreatorsHalas Dragan
ContributorsOmorjan Radovan, Bera Oskar, Pekez Jasmina
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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