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Towards Medical Flexible Instruments: a Contribution to the Study of Flexible Fluidic Actuators

The medical community has expressed a need for flexible medical instruments. Hence, this work investigates the possibility to use "flexible fluidic actuators" to develop such flexible instruments. These actuators are driven by fluid, i.e. gas or liquid, and present a flexible structure, i.e. an elastically deformable and/or inflatable structure. Different aspects of the study of these actuators have been tackled in the present work:
• A literature review of these actuators has been established. It has allowed to identify the different types of motion that these actuators can develop as well as the design principles underlying. This review can help to develop flexible instruments based on flexible fluidic actuators.
• A test bench has been developed to characterize the flexible fluidic actuators.
• A interesting measuring concept has been implemented and experimentally validated on a specific flexible fluidic actuator (the "Pneumatic Balloon Actuator", PBA). Ac- cording to this principle, the measurements of the pressure and of the volume of fluid supplied to the actuator allow to determine the displacement of the actuator and the force it develops. This means being able to determine the displacement of a flexible fluidic actuator and the force it develops without using a displacement sensor or a force sensor. This principle is interesting for medical applications inside the human body, for which measuring the force applied by the organs to the surgical tools remains a problem.
The study of this principle paves the way for a lot of future works such as the implemen- tation and the testing of this principle on more complex structures or in a control loop in order to control the displacement of the actuator (or the force it develops) without using a displacement or a force sensor.
• A 2D-model of the PBA has been established and has helped to better understand the physics underlying the behaviour of this actuator.
• A miniaturization work has been performed on a particular kind of flexible fluidic actu- ator: the Pleated Pneumatic Artificial Muscle (PPAM). This miniaturization study has been made on this type of actuator because, according to theoretical models, minia- turized PPAMs, whose dimensions are small enough to be inserted into MIS medical instruments, could be able to develop the forces required to allow the instruments to perform most surgical actions. The achieved miniaturized muscles have a design similar to that of the third generation PPAMs developed at the VUB and present a total length of about 90 mm and an outer diameter at rest of about 15 mm. One of the developed miniaturized PPAMs has been pressurized at p = 1 bar and it was able to develop a pulling force F = 100 N while producing a contraction of 4 %.
Propositions have been made regarding a further miniaturization of the muscles.
Date15 September 2010
CreatorsDe Greef, Aline N. C. C.
ContributorsSzewczyk, Jérôme, Kinnaert, Michel, De Volder, Michaël, Lefeber, Dirk, Delchambre, Alain, Lambert, Pierre
PublisherUniversite Libre de Bruxelles
Source SetsBibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique
Detected LanguageEnglish
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