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Effects of Different Fuels on Combustion Boiler Processes : The analysis of alternative fuel mixtures

The objective of this study is to investigate the eect of dierent fuels on two uidized bed boiler systemsat the energy company Soderenergi's site in Igelsta, called IKV and IGV P3. Today, recovered wastewood (RWW) is the major fuel share fed into the boilers. However, with an insecure fuel supply in thefuture, other fuel types must be considered. Based on knowledge from previous fuel usage in the boilers,an evaluation of how other potential fuel mixtures may eect the operation is conducted. The additionalfuels considered in the fuel blends are; stem wood chips, cutter shavings, solid recycled fuel (SRF) andrubber.With elemental analysis of the fuels and established key numbers, the previous fuel mixtures are evaluated.The indications by the guiding parameters are compared with experienced problems and the formercondition of the boilers, and the risk limits for the key numbers are adjusted to a suitable level. Thepotential mixtures are evaluated with the key numbers and the updated limits. In addition to the keynumbers, the heavy metal concentration, the heating value, the moisture content and the ash content ofthe fuel blends are included in the evaluation. The considered damages in the boilers caused by the fuelblends are corrosion, sintering and fouling.The damage level from the current fuel usage for IKV and IGV P3 is fairly low. The results from theanalyzed fuel mixtures show an increased damage risk in the boilers. Additionally, adjustments of theboiler systems are required by some of the analyzed fuel mixtures. In general, the corrosion risk andthe heavy metal content will increase in comparison with today's fuel. The fouling and slagging are aswell expected to increase for the assessed fuel mixtures. Moreover, the result illustrates an increased ashgeneration, which demands a reconstruction of the ash cooling system for IKV. Furthermore, the increaseof LHV in the assessed fuel mixtures to IGV P3, is likely to require an increased capacity of the ue gasrecirculation pump.In the analysis of the potential fuel mixtures it is found that the corrosion risk expressed by the keynumbers is reduced with a higher share of rubber. The heavy metal content is, however, increased,leading to e.g. an enhanced risk for formation of eutectic salts, which as well are corrosive. On thecontrary, the fuel mixtures with a high risk expressed by the key numbers, have the lowest concentrationsof heavy metals. Due to the results are con icting, a balance between the risk indicated by the keynumbers and the heavy metal concentration must be considered in the evaluation. The fuel mixturesconsidered causing least damage to IKV are a mixture of 42% RWW, 48% wood fuel and 15% SRF, and amixture of 70% wood fuel, 20% SRF and 10% rubber. The fuel mixtures considered causing least damageto IGV P3 are a mixture of 85% RWW and 15% rubber and a mixture of 70% RWW and 30% SRF. / Syftet med studien var att undersoka branslets paverkan pa tva uidbaddpannor, IKV och IGV P3, hos energiforetaget Soderenergi. Idag ar det huvudsakliga branslet i dessa pannor returtra (RT). Med en standigtrorlig branslemarknad kravs kunskap av alternativa branslen. Baserat pa tidigare bransleanvandning,har paverkan fran potentiella bransleblandningar pa pannan undersokts. Utover returtra ar stamveds is,span, papper-plast-tra (SRF) och gummi med i de analyserade blandningarna.Med elementaranalyser pa branslen och etablerade nyckeltal utvarderades de tidigare anvanda branslena.Indikationen fran nyckeltalen ar jamford med upplevda problem och risknivaerna for nyckeltalen arandrade till passande nivaer. De framtida bransleblandningarna analyserades med hjalp av nyckeltalenoch de uppdaterade risknivaerna. Utover nyckeltalen analyserades tungmetallhalten, varmevardet, fukthaltenoch askhalten i bransleblandningarna. De pannskador orsakade av bransleblandningarna somundersokts ar korrosion, sintring och paslag.Det nuvarande branslet till IKV och IGV P3 ger en relativt lag skadeniva. Resultaten fran de analyseradebransleblandningarna visar att skaderisken i pannorna kommer att oka och forandringar av pannan kankomma att kravas. Generellt kommer korrosionsrisken och tungmetallinnehallet att oka i jamforelse meddagens bransle. Okat paslag och slaggning ar ocksa forvantat. Vidare visar resultatet att askproduktionenkommer att oka, vilket gor att IKVs kylsystem for bottenaskan kommer behovas byggas ut. LHV for deanalyserade bransleblandningarna for IGV P3 okar, vilket innebar att kapaciteten for returgas aktarnatroligen maste okas.I jamforelsen av de olika bransleblandningarna visas att korrosionsrisken, forutspadd av nyckeltalen,minskar med en hogre andel gummi. Daremot okar tungmetallinnehallet, vilket leder till en okad riskfor bildning av eutektiska salter, vilka ocksa ar korrosiva. Bransleblandningarna med en indikerad hogrisk av nyckeltalen, har tvartemot den lagsta koncentrationen av tungmetaller. Eftersom resultatenar motsagande, kravs en avvagning mellan riskerna indikerade av nyckeltalen och tungmetallshalten.De bransleblandningar som ar ansedda att vara minst skadliga for IKV ar en blandning av 42% RT,48% tradbransle och 15% SRF, och en blandning av 70% tradbransle, 20% SRF och 10% gummi. Debransleblandning som ar ansedda att vara minst skadliga for IGV P3 ar en blandning av 85% RT och15% gummi, och en blandning av 70% RT och 30% SRF.
Date January 2018
CreatorsStauber Alfredsson, Malin
PublisherKTH, Skolan för kemi, bioteknologi och hälsa (CBH)
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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