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Homo-FRET Imaging of CEACAM1 in Living Cells using Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Polarization Microscopy

Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1 (CEACAM1) undergoes homotypic and heterotypic cis- and trans- interactions that regulate processes including metabolism, immune response, and tumorigenesis. To better understand and eventually control CEACAM1’s numerous roles, we characterized the localization, homotypic cis-oligomerization, and regulation of CEACAM1 at the molecular scale using steady-state TIRFPM homo-FRET imaging in living cells. We established the anisotropy sensitivity of our TIRFPM platform using Venus monomers and dimers, which had significantly different anisotropy values. Heterogeneously distributed across the plasma membrane, CEACAM1-4L-EYFP was a mixture of monomers and oligomers, with a slightly more monomeric population at the high intensity regions. In addition, perturbation with ionomycin or α-CEA pAb increased CEACAM1 monomers, potentially in a localized manner. Although limited in detecting any anisotropy differences between CEACAM1-4L-EYFP and monomeric G432,436L-CEACAM1-4L-EYFP populations, TIRFPM homo-FRET imaging can be a useful tool for studying membrane protein self-association with proper controls and studies that focus on relative anisotropy changes.
Date20 November 2012
CreatorsLo, Jocelyn
ContributorsYip, Christopher M.
Source SetsUniversity of Toronto
Detected LanguageEnglish

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