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„Transformacioni morfo-funcionalni i motorički efekti specijalno programiranih treninga kod fudbalera različitih rangova takmičenja“ / "Transformational Morpho-Functional and Motoric Effects of Specially Programmed Training for Football Players in Different Levels of Competition"

<p>Predmet istrživanja ove doktorske disertacije predstavljaju morfo-funkcionalni i motorički status fudbalera, odnosno specijalno programirani sistem treninga u letnjem pripremnom periodu kod fudbalera seniorskog uzrasta različitih rangova takmičenja. U okviru rada na disertaciji sprovedeno je inicijalno i finalno merenje morfo-funkcionalnih i motoričkih sposobnosti fudbalera kao i efikasnost efekata tretmana. Imajući u vidu da se na fudbalskim utakmicama ostvaruju mnogobrojni zadaci, a koji se odnose na različite segmente psihosomatskog statusa, u centar ovog istraživanja postavljena je problematika koja je vezana za iznalaženje puteva za efikasniju realizaciju fudbalske igre.<br />U metodologiji fudbalskog treninga postoji veliki broj vežbi. Važno je odabrati najpotrebnije od njih. Još je važnije da se te vežbe međusobno kombinuju i povežu na takav naćin koji će omogućiti da se kompleksno rešavaju potrebni zadaci, odnosno da uče igrače komponentama na kojima se temelji fudbal. Ona adaptacija koja se stvara kod fudbalera u pripremnom periodu pomoću određenog modeliranja tokom treninga, treba da se prenese na utakmicu i da se u njoj ispolji. Dakle treba težiti da fizički trening koji se primenjuje u pripremnom periodu daje momentalne i trajnije efekte, a strateški cilj celokupnog trenažnog procesa je uspešnost u takmičenju. Neposredni značaj ovog istraživanja ogleda se u mogućnosti stručne, teorijske i praktične nadgradnje fudbalskih trenera u pogledu modifikacije treninga. Dalje značaj rada ogleda se u traganju za novim sredstvima i metodama kako bi inovirali trenažni proces, u cilju ostvarenja što boljih vrhunskih rezultata.</p> / <p>The topic of this PhD thesis are morpho -functional and motoric status of football players specially programmed system of training in summer preparation period with professional football players in different levels of competition. Initial and final measuring of morpho-functional and motoric capabilities of football players are given as a part of this thesis, also as the efficiency of treatment effects. Considering the fact that many tasks are completed during football matches and many of them are related to different segments of psycho somatic status, the care of this research are problems connected to finding solutions to more efficient football play. There are many exercises in methodology of football training. It is very It important to choose those that are the most needed. The more important is to combine and connect those exercises in the way that will ensure complex solution of needed tasks and therefore to teach players all components of<br />football. The adaptation achieved with football players in training period using specific modeling should be transferred to the match and shown during it. The aim of physical training in preparation period is to give longer effects. The strategic goal of training process is success in competition. Immediate significance of this research is in it&acute;s ability of professional, theoretical and practical upgrade of football couches concerning modification of training process. Further significance of the research is in the search for mew methods and assets for innovation of training process in order to achieve best results.</p>
Date25 February 2016
CreatorsKrulanović Ranko
ContributorsPopadić Gaćeša Jelena, Jakonić Dragoslav, Lukač Damir, Grujić Nikola
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Asocijacija centara za interdisciplinarne i multidisciplinarne studije i istraživanja, University of Novi Sad, Association of Centres for Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies and Research
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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