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A geometric morphometric analysis of the human ossa coxae for sex determination

This study compares sexual variation of the human skeletal pelvis through geometric morphometric analyses. Digitization of the skeletal elements provides the framework for a multi-faceted examination of shape. The sample used in the study consists of individuals from the Bass Donated Skeletal Collection, located at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Landmarks digitized for the study are derived from the 36 points implemented in Joan Bytheway and Anne Ross’s geometric morphometric study of human innominates (2010). The author hypothesizes that morphological variation between males and females will be visible to varying degrees throughout the pelvis, with structures to be compared consisting of the ilium, ischium, pubis, obturator foramen, and acetabulum. Particular attention will be paid to the pelvic canal, as this area seems to carry the most sex-specific function of the bone. It is hypothesized that structures directly contributing to the pelvic canal will be more sexually dimorphic than peripheral structures. Data points plotted throughout the pelvis will allow for comparison of various regions. Results indicate that the innominate can be divided into modules with relatively low levels of covariation between them. Greatest amounts of sexual dimorphism are located at the pubis and ischium. The shape of the acetabulum and obturator foramen display little variation between the two sexes. Areas that have the potential for sex determination could be investigated more thoroughly in the future and may be of use in forensic cases in which remains are incomplete.
Date January 2013
CreatorsCharles, Brianne E.
PublisherBoston University
Source SetsBoston University
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsThis work is being made available in OpenBU by permission of its author, and is available for research purposes only. All rights are reserved to the author.

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