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Decision Fusion in Identity Verification using Facial Images

Automatic verification of personal identity using facial images is the
central topic of the thesis. This problem can be stated as follows. Given
two face images, it must be determined automatically whether they are
images of the same person or of different persons. Due to many factors such
as variability of facial appearance, sensitivity to noise, template aging,
etc., the problem is difficult. We can overcome some of these difficulties
by combining different information sources for the
classification/recognition task. In this thesis we propose strategies on
how to combine the different information sources, i.e. fusion strategies,
in order to improve the verification accuracy. We have designed and
thoroughly optimised a number of face verification algorithms. Their
individual properties such as how their accuracy depends on algorithm
parameters, image size, or sensitivity to mis-registrations have been
studied. We have also studied how to combine the outputs of the different
algorithms in order to reduce the verification error rates. Another
decision fusion aspect considered in this thesis is the fusion of
confidences obtained sequentially on several video frames of the same
person's face. Finally multimodal fusion has been studied. In this case,
the speech and face of the same subject are recorded and processed by
different algorithms which output separate opinions. These two opinions are
then conciliated at the fusion stage. It is shown that in all cases,
information fusion allows a considerable performance improvement if the
fusion stage is carefully designed.
Date12 December 2003
CreatorsCzyz, Jacek
PublisherUniversite catholique de Louvain
Source SetsBibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique
Detected LanguageEnglish
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